Fire and Water Kasina Self-guided Retreat

shannon, modified 8 Years ago at 9/13/15 4:09 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 9/13/15 1:49 PM

Fire and Water Kasina Self-guided Retreat

Posts: 5 Join Date: 9/13/15 Recent Posts
Hi Everyone. This is my first post here. I am about to do a self-guided concentration retreat for about two weeks. I will be doing many hours a day of candle flame meditation (recently have had red dot and dissolution and body bliss with strong vibration in third eye chakra, as well as red dot with eyes open walking around and the beginning of traveling in sits doing a couple hours a day.) Any general suggestions for my retreat are welcome. Specifically I want to know how and when to bring in water meditation to balance the Fire Kasina? And what is the "sign" or nimitta with water Kasina that shows concentration has been established.

So far I've looked at the Fire Kasina thread and website which have been helpful.

Thank you for any tips. 

By the way, I will be staying on a lakefront property if that helps for water kasina suggestions.
Daniel M Ingram, modified 8 Years ago at 9/14/15 12:38 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 9/14/15 12:38 AM

RE: Fire and Water Kasina Self-guided Retreat

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Dear Shannon,

If you haven't alraedy, might check out, as that will tell you a lot about the practice.

In terms of water, I would pick a bowl of neutral color or just plain glass about 4-6 inches wide, fill it with water, and might add some blue food coloring to get it bluer. If you are able to find a glass bowl, might backlight it with something, like an LED light, such that it glows blue, as things that glow are easier to get afterimages on, and better afterimages lead to better images. Doing something like this to get elemental balance is a great idea, as, while the fire kasina retreat we did was great, still, I could tell that we needed to round things out, and not doing so produced some strange effects.

I would also realize that doing this is likely to lead to some pretty strange experiences, and you might find someone to talk with about them if and when they occur, as weirdness of mind is not only likely but expected in some ways, and some weirdness is good and some is not.

I would do a few days of candle flame to start, then do a few days of water if you are able to get good images on it, and alternate that way, so that both have some momentum and you can really get into each. Might use a mantra suited for each that is different for each, and ask for formal connections to the elements when you do this, as intentionality helps.

Best wishes, and let us know how it goes if you so inclined.
shannon, modified 8 Years ago at 9/14/15 10:02 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 9/14/15 9:52 AM

RE: Fire and Water Kasina Self-guided Retreat

Posts: 5 Join Date: 9/13/15 Recent Posts
Thank you Daniel.  I will experiment setting up the water Kasina today before my retreat starts and consider a couple of good mantras.

And yes I have trustworthy solid meditators I can call on when things get strange and my husband, a well-seasoned mental health therapist, will keep a close eye on things! was invaluable. And I am happy to post a summary when I'm done. 
