A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/10/16 11:43 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Don Merchant 4/11/16 12:31 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/11/16 11:21 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Don Merchant 4/12/16 3:03 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/11/16 12:07 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust neko 4/11/16 1:58 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/11/16 11:17 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust neko 4/11/16 12:40 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/11/16 1:27 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust neko 4/13/16 2:01 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Martin Potter 4/11/16 6:48 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/11/16 11:24 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust svmonk 4/11/16 9:47 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Eva Nie 4/12/16 11:02 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/13/16 12:26 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Stuie Law 4/16/16 9:00 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 4/16/16 10:16 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Effort Less 5/27/16 7:41 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 5/28/16 1:51 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Babs _ 5/28/16 5:30 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust neko 5/28/16 5:49 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Babs _ 5/28/16 6:19 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 5/28/16 6:42 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Babs _ 5/28/16 8:46 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Noah 5/28/16 3:16 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Stick Man 6/6/16 2:24 PM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Banned For waht? 6/7/16 7:17 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Stick Man 6/7/16 8:21 AM
RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust Stick Man 6/7/16 8:18 AM
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/10/16 11:43 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/10/16 11:43 PM

A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
The insight: Libido never disappears, but if I take out the desire to fill the hole of emptiness inside of me, I can remove the momentum of lust.  Images that come to mind here are of deflation, or ripping the rug out from underneath it.  While this is accomplished by neutral, open investigation, it must be reinforced by a stance/insight concerning the deeper nature of the impulse.

Human nature is to automatically seek a sense of permanence (even immortality) through various means, including sexuality. Specifically, this sexuality includes the desire for power and control over another person, the procreation/gene-spreading instinct, the desire for social status, and the basic pleasure of orgasm.  

What to do about it: The mechanism of improvement here does not involve dissociating from my feelings; I should experience them, but then I can understand the greater context out of which they arise.  Only after all of that can I make the decision not to be fully manipulated by sexual desire; not to let it 'bring me down' or decrease my joy. 

The background of the issue for me: I have been struggling with a torturous degree of lust for a long time, mixed in with insecurity and obsessive thinking.  Mahasi noting helped me with it to a small degree, and I became much more familiar with it from an analytical standpoint by practicing the actualism method. 

In recent months, I have tried stopping lust by gladdening the mind, which failed miserably.  I then tried neutral, open investigation of it, which helped a little bit.  Today, something clicked, tying together all the different aspects of the 'issue,' and the attempts at improving on it.

P.s.- This new understanding makes sense for me when paired with the supramundane path as a whole: specifically, the training I am doing in it.  I don't imagine that it would be a perfect fit for everyone.  
Don Merchant, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:31 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:04 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 202 Join Date: 6/9/15 Recent Posts
Interesting post Noah. Bravo for being honest like this. That's rare nowadays in most of society it seems.

So, how far along have you gotten with this subject? And how did you do it?

I know that during a couple sittings I did, I felt much of the lust just drop away. Can't explain what or how, it just felt like a switch was flipped and BAM, most of the lust was gone. Some still exists, but it is now so small most times that I don't pay it much heed. Thankfully emoticon
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:07 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:07 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
I wanted to add that there are a couple ways I have attempted to generalize and/or over-simplify this type of understanding in the past.  These include classifying it as "doing psychology" (to quote Bill Hamilton), and reducing the issue to "the desire is still there but the clinging is not."  At least for me, improvement usually comes through a more intricate understanding which becomes damaged when condensed into a slogan.  
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 1:58 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 1:51 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
I don't think sexuality needs to be as bad as you depict it, so I don't think your approach is the one I would follow. In Reggie Ray's Series On Mahamudra there is an alternative, much more sex-positive practice you might want to have a look at. I believe it is in cd 27 or 28.

Besides, the non-orgasmic side of sexual pleasure can be an excellent kind of shamatha (-like) practice. (Even as an individual practice, that is.)
Martin Potter, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 6:48 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 6:48 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 86 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Hi Noah,

I wrote this note today which might be of interest... I still struggle with these issues myself. I'm coming at it from an actualist method point of view, i.e. prioritising feeling good (a general sense of well-being). I should also note the actualism method is not about repressing desire, which can be the basis for enthusiasm, energy, gusto etc.

"Relationships need to serve well-being - i.e. increase wellbeing rather than decrease it. If not, then one is prioritising relationships above salubrity, giving them too much importance in regards to one's happiness and worth. What follows is yearning for affective union, loneliness, fear of missing out, fear of losing something... in which case one finds that what one desires or finds attractive - one's favoured sexual gender - actually makes one feel bad a lot of the time!"

Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:17 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:17 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts

sexuality needs to be as bad

Right, I don't think sexuality needs to be bad either.  There are just certain aspects which need to be clarified to reduce clinging.  

In Reggie Ray's Series On Mahamudra there is an alternative, much more sex-positive practice

I have listened to that entire audio course.  The approach I was describing in my OP is also sex positive.  For months I have been working on savoring joy when it naturally arises (including from sexuality), and fabricating joy when it does not.  It has worked like a charm.

This is what I was talking about with not over-simplifying it.  I still am dating, having sex, etc.  I still have joy in all of these areas.  That can happen, while a process of renunciation is simultaneously taking place.  
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:21 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:21 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
Don Merchant:

I know that during a couple sittings I did, I felt much of the lust just drop away. Can't explain what or how, it just felt like a switch was flipped and BAM, most of the lust was gone. Some still exists, but it is now so small most times that I don't pay it much heed. Thankfully emoticon

Holy smokes!  If it was permanent in its disappearance (even if it only partially decreased), than I would consider that a path attainment.   There seems to be lots of little, permanent shifts that can happen that open different 'doors' inside of us that never close.  I would imagine these doors can be begin to open before the linearity of 1st and 2nd path.  Whatever it was, congratulations!

P.s.- I think a better view of 'true' third and fourth path (along a more ten-fetter type model), involves opening a certain number of these spaces inside of us, and then integrating these spaces such that they are one continuity of awareness.  See DreamWalker's 'Framework of Awakening' thread for more on this.  
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:24 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 11:24 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts

Hi Martin,

I think I've seen you over on the Yahoo group.  The actualism method definitely helped me gain more clarity with regards to sexuality, and my identity surrounding it.  I wasn't able to utilize it effectively beyond that, but that is probably more my own faullt than that of the method.  I also function better when I have a teacher, and there was no one around to 'teach' actualism (and yes, I know that very idea is contraire to the spirit of the method.  Thanks for sharing, sir.  
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:40 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 12:40 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts

I have listened to that entire audio course.  The approach I was describing in my OP is also sex positive.  For months I have been working on savoring joy when it naturally arises (including from sexuality), and fabricating joy when it does not.  It has worked like a charm.

This is what I was talking about with not over-simplifying it.  I still am dating, having sex, etc.  I still have joy in all of these areas.  That can happen, while a process of renunciation is simultaneously taking place.  

Interesting. Do you have any specifics on when you are using the "hedonistic" approach and when the "renunciatory" one? Do you use them for different aspects of sensuality / sexuality? Times of the day? Days of the week? (Sorry if the questions sound a bit naive, but I am genuinely interested.)
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 1:27 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 1:27 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts

I use the hedonistic approach when there exists the obvious possibility for a harmless enjoyment alongside a layer of hindrance.  Here is an embarassing example; I have grown up listening to rap music, and have allowed it to fuel a sense of ego and power over the years.  However, a lot of rap/hip-hop also simply has a fun element of dancability and funk.  If a song I like comes on the radio when I am driving, I will 'toss out' the part of my mind that is thirsty for power, and instead isolate the fun energy of the beat and enjoy that.

I use the renunciatory approach when there is only flooding hindrance and little possibility for harmless enjoyment.  When I see an attractive person of the opposite sex, there is something that I need to understand about the process I go through involving lust, insecurity and obsessing.  This is what the OP was about.

In contrast, if I am on a date with someone who I am connected to, I will simply enjoy the interaction.  Likewise for physical intimacy and sex with such a person.  My teacher makes it very clear that sex is to be enjoyed, but also that men specifically need to train themselves to be happy and appreciative of one partner (and not let the gene-spreading instinct run rampant, which is a strong force in me lol).
svmonk, modified 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 9:47 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/11/16 9:46 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 403 Join Date: 8/23/14 Recent Posts
Hi Noah,

Well, I've found having a steady partner (now going on 38 years) helps a lot. My attitude is that my role in the transaction is to help make her happy. This is a specific application of Shantideva's general principle in Bodhisattvacaryāvatāra. I guess you could say it's a kind of mild tantric approach: transforming lust into bodhicitta. emoticon Doesn't always work of course, but as an overall approach, I've found it's resolved the conflict between my practice and my love life.
Don Merchant, modified 8 Years ago at 4/12/16 3:03 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/12/16 2:54 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 202 Join Date: 6/9/15 Recent Posts
Thanks, I don't know for sure what happened except that most of the time I'm just not interested in anything sex related. No offense to anyone else, nor any judgements. It just isn't there all that much any more. Path or no path, stage or no stage, whatever it was and is, I am not complaining. I am not involved with anyone right now, and may never do so. There is no drive or desire for anyone.

Yes, it does seem like many changes have been done in a progression - like manner with 'doors'. Things just click when meditating, or while about the day. Many times I'm mulling things over that I've read or heard and sudddenly I 'get it'. Most times those are changes in my thinking or attitudes. The last two days especially this has been happening more frequently. Besides whatever is still going on with kundalini.

I will look at that thread you mention. Thanks.
Eva Nie, modified 8 Years ago at 4/12/16 11:02 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/12/16 11:02 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 831 Join Date: 3/23/14 Recent Posts
Some thoughts, not sure if any will help anyone but here goes.  First remember that you are a guy and a young one. Many men I have known have said when they were your age, they were obsessed with sex and thought about it nearly constantly.  So seems to be a common problem among many, not that I disagree with your attempts to rein it in.  Strong clinging like that is a hassle and does not lead ot happiness.  But simply getting older alone will probably help you in part with this kind of issue as your hormones naturally tone down a few notches.  You may find it hard to imagine being different than you are, but I would say never say never.  Libido can and does come and go for reasons we often can't fathom.  Just because you have not see an absent phase yet does not mean you will never have one.   You may or may not experience that sometime, but I just don't think it's a good idea ot lock down either idea as fact. Far stranger things have happened in this world than just the absense of sex drive in one individual,  ;-P

Now from my own experience, I have definitely experienced along the path long stretches of rather intense sex drive followed by long stretches of basically none, and sometimes some rather abrupt swinging back and forth for a while.  After many years, it's more toned down now and has kind of morphed into something a bit less simple.  It's like the energy has evolved or something so it hasn't been a prob for a while now.  But I do think it's totally possible to not have any drive at least for long stretches of time, since I've done it myself.   Not that I really understand how and why it happened though.  And I do support your efforts to try to solve a problem more directly.  But from my perspective, what I see now is that energy was able to evolve into something that is more peaceful on average.  And I also suspect that I could evolve further from where it is now. 

As for how that's done, I wish I could give better advice but maybe the little details of what rattles around in diff people's brains are so very different anyway.  But basically it seemed like it sort of happened by itself for me as I worked on so many other issues that were more prominent for me. 
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/13/16 12:26 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/13/16 12:26 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
Thanks for the thoughts, Eva.  I totally agree that dealing with it in this way is just optional for me at this point.  I don't think framing desire in this way is the objective truth, but rather a type of 'seeing that frees', to quote Rob Burbea.  If this way of seeing works over the coming months, it will be a big victory for me in an area I have had mostly losses in over the past couple years of my path.  Here's hoping. 
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 4/13/16 2:01 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/13/16 2:01 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts

I use the hedonistic approach when there exists the obvious possibility for a harmless enjoyment alongside a layer of hindrance.  Here is an embarassing example; I have grown up listening to rap music, and have allowed it to fuel a sense of ego and power over the years.  However, a lot of rap/hip-hop also simply has a fun element of dancability and funk.  If a song I like comes on the radio when I am driving, I will 'toss out' the part of my mind that is thirsty for power, and instead isolate the fun energy of the beat and enjoy that.

I use the renunciatory approach when there is only flooding hindrance and little possibility for harmless enjoyment.  When I see an attractive person of the opposite sex, there is something that I need to understand about the process I go through involving lust, insecurity and obsessing.  This is what the OP was about.

In contrast, if I am on a date with someone who I am connected to, I will simply enjoy the interaction.  Likewise for physical intimacy and sex with such a person.  My teacher makes it very clear that sex is to be enjoyed, but also that men specifically need to train themselves to be happy and appreciative of one partner (and not let the gene-spreading instinct run rampant, which is a strong force in me lol).

Thanks for the clarification. I don't necessarily agree with the "one partner" paradigm strictly, but I can see how it fits in your picture of what you're dissatisfied with and would like to change, and I think it makes sense.
Stuie Law, modified 8 Years ago at 4/16/16 9:00 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/16/16 9:00 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 30 Join Date: 1/15/16 Recent Posts
get a hold of yourselves...........my god....
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 4/16/16 10:16 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 4/16/16 10:16 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
Stuie Law:
get a hold of yourselves...........my god....

Say whaa?
Effort Less, modified 8 Years ago at 5/27/16 7:41 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/27/16 7:34 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 2 Join Date: 5/27/16 Recent Posts
In the early years of practice I experienced a huge upsurge in libido which was fun, but also caused me some neurotic guilt. I now find myself really not interested in sex most of the time. There is a danger of falling into judgement, thinking that I am now a "better" person for not expending lots of energy in sexual pursuits and orgasms.

In my experience, actively trying to impact one's sexual desires is a bit of a waste of time. You're dealing with powerful energies that aren't really affected by conscious efforts to quell lust. Through practice, these things seem to fall away by themselves, you just lose interest in the coarser types of pleasure when your system gets used to the fact that you can now access deep but subtle sukkha (bliss) through meditative practice. However just because that's how I've found it to be, obviously other people (such as yourself) may still find such efforts to be impactful.
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 1:51 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 1:51 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
@Effort Less:

Thanks for the comments, that was very interesting!  I actually wanted to update this thread and say that in the month and a half since I posted this, the insight has stayed, and become stronger.

In my experience, actively trying to impact one's sexual desires is a bit of a waste of time.

I agree.  Libido can't be controlled.

You're dealing with powerful energies that aren't really affected by conscious efforts to quell lust.

[emphasis mine] 

I think we use the term 'lust' in different ways.  For me, libido refers to raw, unconscious sexual energy/desire.  Lust refers to all the conscious and unconscious storylines, layers of ego, and concepts that surround sexuality.  What I have found is that I can partially control lust and greatly reduce suffering in the process.  

Through practice, these things seem to fall away by themselves, you just lose interest in the coarser types of pleasure when your system gets used to the fact that you can now access deep but subtle sukkha (bliss) through meditative practice

I love this idea.  Its similar to what I've learned from my Dhamma teacher.  I'm not there yet (firmly established sukkha/passaddhi) - still in the piti phase.  I look forward to this 
Babs _, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 5:30 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 5:30 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 709 Join Date: 2/5/13 Recent Posts
Nice thread. Naturally have been pondering these things myself and can relate to several posts here.

A question: Does anyone have some classic source (regardless of tradition) on
1. the topic of sexual desire becoming pacified and/or
2. instinct of procreation becoming pacified?  
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 5:49 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 5:48 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Is there an "instinct of procreation" in the first place? I don't think I have ever experienced anything like that. Could you describe what it feels like for you? 
Babs _, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 6:19 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 6:18 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 709 Join Date: 2/5/13 Recent Posts
Is there an "instinct of procreation" in the first place? I don't think I have ever experienced anything like that. Could you describe what it feels like for you? 

Instinct of procreation comes with gender. Gender comes with being a human. To identify as a human being is a conditioned belief as well which grows on you as you grow up.
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 6:42 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 6:42 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
Is there an "instinct of procreation" in the first place? I don't think I have ever experienced anything like that. Could you describe what it feels like for you? 

I feel it about thirty times a day, just by walking around on the street.  But then again, I live in a college neighborhood.  Whats a guy to do?
Babs _, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 8:46 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 8:46 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 709 Join Date: 2/5/13 Recent Posts
Il Matto:
Is there an "instinct of procreation" in the first place? I don't think I have ever experienced anything like that. Could you describe what it feels like for you? 

I feel it about thirty times a day, just by walking around on the street.  But then again, I live in a college neighborhood.  Whats a guy to do?
This is only natural as you are a man in his peak of sexual energy. I think you're doing fine, based on the former messages.

Completely neutralising the instinct of procreation is very advanced stuff, 10th bhumi stuff in our model, just before hitting mahasiddha bhumis.
Noah, modified 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 3:16 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 5/28/16 3:16 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 1467 Join Date: 7/6/13 Recent Posts
Thanks Kim.  I feel pretty good about where I'm at with it now, too.  I'm happy with dealing with the peripherals (i.e. storylines, emotions) while still letting the energy run its course.  
Stick Man, modified 8 Years ago at 6/6/16 2:24 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/6/16 2:17 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 396 Join Date: 9/23/14 Recent Posts
Isn't this the point where you look for a tantric sex partner or do karezza or such ?

I was going to ask about this because I was looking at the four noble truths as translated on access to insight - and they all pretty much say -

"the pain-originating true reality. It is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and attachment, seeking delight now here now there; that is, craving for sense-pleasures"

- which sounds like a recipe for denial and repression. at first glance - join a monastery and take cold showers. Yet monks don't simply stop eating just because food is pleasurable, and hunger is instinctive, they change their relationship to it. Why is it different for sex ?
Stick Man, modified 8 Years ago at 6/7/16 8:18 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/6/16 2:27 PM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 396 Join Date: 9/23/14 Recent Posts



[edit] (though Barry Long was a freak, and prone to guru-style exaggerations and generalisations. Marnia Robinson seems level headed and normal)

I don't know how you would square those with the noble truths, origin of suffering etc.

Those are methods meant to remove the effects of post orgasmic crash, the down side of the up - so wouldn't that go under avoidance of what is not liked ?

"..the pain-originating true reality, that is... craving for sense-pleasures, craving for existence, craving for extermination (of what is not liked)."
Banned For waht?, modified 8 Years ago at 6/7/16 7:17 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/7/16 7:17 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
Isn't this the point where you look for a tantric sex partner or do karezza or such ?

I was going to ask about this because I was looking at the four noble truths as translated on access to insight - and they all pretty much say -

"the pain-originating true reality. It is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and attachment, seeking delight now here now there; that is, craving for sense-pleasures"

- which sounds like a recipe for denial and repression. at first glance - join a monastery and take cold showers. Yet monks don't simply stop eating just because food is pleasurable, and hunger is instinctive, they change their relationship to it. Why is it different for sex ?
Drinking alcohol is pretty fast way to see it yourself how night degrade into point where the main talking subject is around the hole.

Any conversation eventually goes personal and around the hole. Same then is also with meditation. But having determination you can cultivate it and get stronger and eventually avoid being sucked into that dark pit.

in other realms there isn't physical stuff, you get sucked into dark pit by other means. For an example by blinding anger. Once you come out of it you feel like shyt so you will naturally seek betterment.
Stick Man, modified 8 Years ago at 6/7/16 8:21 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 6/7/16 8:21 AM

RE: A Breakthrough Regarding Lust

Posts: 396 Join Date: 9/23/14 Recent Posts
Rist Ei:
Isn't this the point where you look for a tantric sex partner or do karezza or such ?

I was going to ask about this because I was looking at the four noble truths as translated on access to insight - and they all pretty much say -

"the pain-originating true reality. It is this craving which leads to renewed existence, accompanied by delight and attachment, seeking delight now here now there; that is, craving for sense-pleasures"

- which sounds like a recipe for denial and repression. at first glance - join a monastery and take cold showers. Yet monks don't simply stop eating just because food is pleasurable, and hunger is instinctive, they change their relationship to it. Why is it different for sex ?
Drinking alcohol is pretty fast way to see it yourself how night degrade into point where the main talking subject is around the hole.

Any conversation eventually goes personal and around the hole. Same then is also with meditation. But having determination you can cultivate it and get stronger and eventually avoid being sucked into that dark pit.

in other realms there isn't physical stuff, you get sucked into dark pit by other means. For an example by blinding anger. Once you come out of it you feel like shyt so you will naturally seek betterment.
Indeed. I don't get on too well with booze it tends to be depressing, and meditation is a better buzz if I want it.
