Too Much Energy In Head

KundaliniLinguini, modified 7 Years ago at 12/6/16 6:14 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/6/16 5:59 AM

Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 39 Join Date: 1/9/16 Recent Posts
The more I sit in effortlessness, the more energy concentrates in my head. It gives me bad headaches and disturbs my sleep. It has been going on for years. I know what it is doing. There is identification as the one who is thinking, judging, evaluating safety, controller of breath, looking through the eyes and the Kundalini or chi or prana or whatever is attacking the tension in the middle and back of the head which I identify as my "self". I know that this tension is caused by the sense of self reaching up from the heart and attaching to behind the eyes. I am at the point now where I don't mind the tension and the sensations but sometimes I wake up 5 or 6 times per night and it feels like I was beaten up. Another way of putting it is that I or Kundalini is working on untying Rudra Granthi or maybe Bindu Chakra is being activated and releasing Amrita but maybe it is not being processed correctly. Is there any insight or state of mind, metta, gratitude, etc... which can help my heart let go of thinking/seeing as its protection mechanism? Am I supposed to learn the lesson that I don't need to sleep? How do I "sink into the heart"? Occasionally I have sunk into the heart and experience a bright flash of white light and clearing of all channels. I know this is what I need but it never happens when I seek it. How do I stop being the thinker / seer / breath controller?
Lewis James, modified 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 5:59 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 5:59 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 155 Join Date: 5/13/15 Recent Posts
Do you practice walking meditation? Making the anchor/object of your meditation the sensation at the soles of the feet seems to help draw down sensations and unwanted focus in the head. Simple but quite effective if done daily for a decent length of time.
MuMuWu MuMuMuMu, modified 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 7:58 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 7:58 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/12/10 Recent Posts
It sounds like you are practicing something akin to what Ramana Maharshi suggests, and also aiming for his goal of "sinking into the heart." That tension around the eyes suggests a staying as the witness type of practice. I've experienced similar things when doing that pracitice.

I would suggest trying a do-nothing approach like that taught by Shinzen Young and see if that gives you some relief.

"How do I stop being the thinker / seer / breath controller?"

     You never were
KundaliniLinguini, modified 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 9:52 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/7/16 9:51 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 39 Join Date: 1/9/16 Recent Posts
This morning I kinda realized that basically I secretly love my headaches and depression and bad moods because they give me an excuse for my failures.

The identity is not as the watcher in the back of the head but as the victim of the delusion of separation. The victim of the headache, etc...
Daniel M Ingram, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 2:22 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 2:22 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 3284 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
That sort of identification is common and good to recognize. That said, maybe your practice could use some pulling the energy down.

When Buddhist Geeks conferences used to happen, I would often get very head-buzzy and headachy after a long day of heady , rapid-fire dharma interaction.

I found that if I just slowly brought the energy down by gently and slowly by working with attention, that over 90 minutes or so of reclining practice where I just worked on the lower edge of where the buzzing and tension was, I could gradually move it down my face, down my neck, through my chest, down my abdomen, and into my pelvis. It was a slow process that required patience, but it was worth it.

At some point, the energy would finally ground down in the pelvis (some Chi Gong person is likely to say this is the Dan Tien or something), the irritation and pain would go away, and I was ok. Maybe, if you are patient and try this, you may have some success.

Best wishes,

KundaliniLinguini, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 5:52 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 5:50 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 39 Join Date: 1/9/16 Recent Posts
Well if an arahant is giving me advice, I better take it emoticon

I have been afraid to use will or intention to try and control anything in my practice. Been just trying to be "ok" with however everything is and goes without messing with it. Trying not to "reify a doer"

Lately have discovered there is some deeper letting go when I add some gratitude to my practice... "thank you" as a mantra on the inhale here and there...

A few things I know keep the energy in the head are that I have several injuries and traumas in the head, especially on the left side which is where the attachment seems to linger.

There is a story of me being bit by a dog when I was 1.5 years old watching cartoons and there is a scar on the top left side of my skull there and a LOT of tension and energy accumulates there.

One time 2 years ago I somehow discovered how to allow myself to be automatically, involuntarily "breathed" while also paying attention to the breath. The energy came all the way down and it only took 30 seconds. It felt like "my soul returned to my body" and I had a very blessed day. Has not happened since and can't seem to replicate it. At the time it seemed a certain type of pranayama worked (holding the breath out) but one pattern in my practice has been that what worked yesterday will not work today.

May as well ask a question that has been bugging me for a while since I have an expert on the line... In watching the breath... Is it ok if I feel like I am controlling the breath or do I need to allow the breath to be automatic? It seems I can sit for a very long time without breathing, or without being aware of any sensation of the breath. It seems that in order for me to be aware of the breath I have to consciously control breathing in and out. Otherwise, I can't feel my breathing. And as soon as I feel my breathing it stops, and I again am in control. Having to control the breath feels like it is intimately tied to the root of my stress. Feeling I must make effort to keep the body alive.

I don't think this is too uncommon because there is a t-shirt that says "you are now breathing manually" and people have posted online that they have panic attacks and can't stop breathing manually for hours or days after someone says this to them or they read this.
tom moylan, modified 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 6:16 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/8/16 6:16 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
the set of practices that have helped me in the past are to be found at

i have had these symptoms for a long time but my issue with them is that they are very enjoyable.

this leads me into a very easy grasping mode and then into jhana junky tendencies.  while it sounds nice it can be a trap.  i can get calm and refreshed almost any time very quickly and that is fantastic.  when I really want to push vipassana type investigation though i have to be very awake to the signals which want to draw me down the jhanic path.

all of the advice given above is very good IMO so this may be just added distraction.

best luck and try to enjoy the phase

Bruno Loff, modified 7 Years ago at 1/28/17 12:45 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 1/28/17 12:45 PM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 1097 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent Posts
I had that. In my case blockages in the front of the body (conception meridian or the other one, I forget) prevented energy from going down.

Ground it down like Daniel said.

Also, this helped:

Especially squats.
Bhumi, modified 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 8:37 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 8:37 AM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 38 Join Date: 11/23/17 Recent Posts
Hello this is my first post in the forum and seeing you have this problem has compelled me to subscribe in order to help you. During meditation I have had such experiences and they really had a detrimental effect in my life, after looking for several techniques for manipulating the energy in the body the best one I found was this simple meditation for the Tao. Focus on the area at the navel around 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in, maintain the focus until you feel like something in your body is gathering there, it will greatly help your concentration but also solve your problems. Let me know how it goes
Rednaxela, modified 6 Years ago at 11/27/17 3:26 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 1:39 PM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 158 Join Date: 12/23/11 Recent Posts
I have been afraid to use will or intention to try and control anything in my practice. ... A few things I know keep the energy in the head are that I have several injuries and traumas in the head, especially on the left side which is where the attachment seems to linger. ... There is a story of me being bit by a dog when I was 1.5 years old .. 
In watching the breath... Is it ok if I feel like I am controlling the breath or do I need to allow the breath to be automatic? It seems I can sit for a very long time without breathing, or without being aware of any sensation of the breath. It seems that in order for me to be aware of the breath I have to consciously control breathing in and out. Otherwise, I can't feel my breathing. And as soon as I feel my breathing it stops, and I again am in control. Having to control the breath feels like it is intimately tied to the root of my stress. Feeling I must make effort to keep the body alive.
KL, I share a similar story, even about being injured by a dog at the age of 1.  The breath control thing seems to
be a common issue.  Sometimes my head is brittle, full of tension, ready to explode.  Perhaps i spend too much time
as the witness or focusing on the breath at the nostrils.

As suggested, i found the Mahasi practice of focussing on the breath at the abdomen to be a great relief.  He
suggests a focus point right above the belly button.  It does get better with practice.
Mettafore, modified 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 7:23 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 7:23 PM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 171 Join Date: 3/24/14 Recent Posts
I have similar problem at times. The right side of my head ussually gets pressure. Also, the right molars an/or premolars. This may be unconventional. I think moderate to heavy physical exercise helps. For me, weight training helps a lot. I ussually train 3-4 times a week. Running or swimming may help too.
Yilun Ong, modified 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 7:41 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/23/17 7:39 PM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 623 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
This excessive energy may be why retreats alternate an hour walking/sitting and why Buddha asks disciples to eat a single meal/day. Staying off stimulants like caffeine helps too. Please post any great grounding exercises/remedies or links that you have found useful for collective suffering reductions!  emoticon
Daniel M Ingram, modified 6 Years ago at 11/26/17 7:55 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/26/17 7:55 PM

RE: Too Much Energy In Head

Posts: 3284 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Your point about walking meditation is an excellent one. Yeah, walking meditation! So underrated! So powerful. Such a good addition to sitting practice!
