what is the tool used?

zhi lin, modified 14 Years ago at 8/13/10 7:56 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 8/12/10 2:43 PM

what is the tool used?

Posts: 8 Join Date: 8/12/10 Recent Posts
hello, please help me if you can.

please watch the videos below, and tell me if you have an idea, what is the tools that this person uses to release/let go of the reactive emotions/conditioning/pain body/sensation/ego block (whatever you prefer to call them)...

his truth is the same as Buddhism as i understand it (im no master), but he claim to be able to help someone else release/let go all of their reactive emotions in only one session of a few hours. And based on the knowledge he possessed (from how he can explain the truth), and all of the testimonials, i believe him.

so what is his tool to release/let go of the reactive emotions?
A technique that completely uninitiated people can use successfully immediately!!
I would like to know how to release/let go my reactive emotions, be free from all of them in a few hours.

i'm looking/feeling one of my ego block right now in my belly.
It took me much effort to do Vipassana retreats, and get into a state where i could let go of terrible migraine and some pain bodies (Tolle expressions ;)

Please enlighten me if you can,
on other videos, on top of making the people focus on their emotions instead of looking at the situations, he talks about a higher frequency of energy that the "patient" can connect with to help dissipate the ego blocks (i guess)...

