Vipassana and body of light/energy

Honinbo, modified 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 4:02 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 3:53 AM

Vipassana and body of light/energy

Posts: 17 Join Date: 7/15/19 Recent Posts
Hello everybody,

I wanted to comment about my Vipassana practice (Goenka tradition) and how it is evolving in case someone have similar experiences and can guide me a little bit.

I have been doing Vipassana body scan for several months after a 10-day Vipassana retreat with kundalini awakening, etc. I had some harsh months, I am fine now.

I continue practicing like 1-2 hours a day and my practice is changing depending on how I feel each session. Soemtimes I discover one specific sensation and I just follow it through all the body until it disperses (maybe an energy block?). But one month ago what happens is that while I concentrate and observe the body sensations scanning my whole body, I feel that at some point my body "start charging". Is not about only seeing white light, is about feeling all the body charged up with energy/light, specially when I reach the feet and then I go up again is like the energy follow the parts I am focusing my awareness on (specially while following the spine up). Mainly starts when I enter the body, not only remaining in the surface. When this happens is a very pleasant feeling, I can feel my whole body filled with energy, but I am not sure if this is Vipassana or not and if I should continue focusing on the whole body or just relax, let is calm down, keep equanimity and continue the scan (this is difficult at this point as there is a lot of feeling everywhere) I can maximize this feeling it if I focus enough, like when you focus on your hands and feel them but in a much extreme way.

I hope this makes any sesnse, thank you very much!
Nicky, modified 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 4:40 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 4:30 AM

RE: Vipassana and body of light/energy

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts
When this happens is a very pleasant feeling, I can feel my whole body filled with energy,


The above is an aspect of "samatha" and purification. 

However, if you can see how this process works (for example see what state of mind leads to this purification and pleasant feeling), this is an aspect of "vipassana", i.e., seeing cause & effect, i.e., the relationship between mind & body.

Generally, the relaxation of the mind or "letting go" of craving leads to the body calming down & blissing out like this. 

It is a counter intuitive process. The more you let go of desire & relax into the present moment, the more the body is at ease & happy. 

feeling all the body charged up with energy/light

The body ("rupa") is comprised of a nervous system, which is also electrical. Therefore, when the nerves relax and become pure, they also bliss out, which feels like electricity. 

When this purification & blissing out is complete, the mind enters "jhana". This is why jhana is called "rupa jhana". It means "jhana" born from the bliss of the body's ("rupa's") nervous system. 

but I am not sure if this is Vipassana or not and if I should continue focusing on the whole body or just relax, let is calm down, keep equanimity and continue the scan (this is difficult at this point as there is a lot of feeling everywhere) I can maximize this feeling it if I focus enough, like when you focus on your hands and feel them but in a much extreme way.

Its not really "vipassana". "Vipassana" means seeing dhamma realities such as: (i) cause & effect; (ii) impermanence; (iii) unsatisfactoriness; and (iv) not-self. 

However, the occuring of "vipassana" cannot occur without "samatha". The Buddha taught "samatha" & "vipassana" occur simultaneously or in-tandem. For example, if the mind has "vipassana" ("insight"), the mind will "let go". When the mind "lets go", the mind, breathing & body will relax or be tranquil & happy, which is "samatha". 
I suggest to follow your intuition in your post and let your body relax & purify itself from tension, which causes pleasant feelings. 

The basic Goenka instructions is generally a "beginner's" guide. However, after you meditate regularly, internal processes start to occur automatically that are independent of your will. Therefore, you should allow these natural processes to mature towards purification. 

In this process of purification, the mind will become more clear and "vipassana" ("insights") will also occur due to the increasing clarity & sensitivity. Therefore, "samatha" ("tranquility") and "vipassana" ("insight") work together and enhance eachother. 

Sometimes, samatha may predominate for a while. Then vipassana will predominate for a while. But its best when they both occur together. They will develop themselves naturally. Just sit back, with equinimity, and let the processes unfold. 

Kind regards emoticon
Honinbo, modified 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 4:50 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 4:43 AM

RE: Vipassana and body of light/energy

Posts: 17 Join Date: 7/15/19 Recent Posts
Dear Nicky,

thank you very much! Yes, I have been following my intuition, let awareness goes where it wants. I will find the way to deal with Samatha as you mention. In the first stages there was a lot of pain arising when travelled through the body. Now it depends, recently this energetic phenomena appeared and it will happen after some time meditating. I can direct this feeling to the difefrent parts of the body, but I feel I "tense" while trying to move and keep it. I will focus on relaxing and observe it.

I read a bit about jhana and I didn't associate them to this phenomena, sometimes I believe I can enter jhana just being very relaxed, and taking a deep breath while focusing on the tingling of the body parts. At least this is what I read in a book. I will try to relax more and go on, this is all very interesting, I am very curious about it.

Thank you very much for your encouraging and help!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 5:10 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 5:10 AM

RE: Vipassana and body of light/energy

Posts: 2939 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Samatha sure has purification to it. But Samatha can't do anything with those thoughts about "uncertainty" you are having. They need be Noted as uncertainty thoughts with a certain (maybe unpleasant) feeling and a body sensation associated with it. 

Also "letting go" of craving happens through dispassion arisen from direct knowledge (wisdom) rather than me letting go (pushing it away, running away from it) of some arising which is nothing but Ignorance. 

"Is this energy a blockage, a chakra?" are thoughts with a certain Feeling and a body sensation. Watch for this dependent origination stuff. 

Bliss or Itch on the nose are of equal value in this transient universe. They are equal under the eye of mindfulness. 

This is only my view of course. There could be other perspectives on this of course. 
Honinbo, modified 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 10:22 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/16/20 10:08 PM

RE: Vipassana and body of light/energy

Posts: 17 Join Date: 7/15/19 Recent Posts
Thank you very much,

yes, I have tendency to aversion, this already gave me problems (according to the teachers) during the retreat months ago. Is like I feel that pushing it ("doing more force" if this makes any sense) will make it more powerful or faster. I need to relax and let go of this. Thank you, your advice is very helpful.
