Is Eckhart Tolle from Narnia?

gem, modified 3 Years ago at 10/24/20 5:03 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 10/24/20 5:03 PM

Is Eckhart Tolle from Narnia?

Posts: 5 Join Date: 10/16/20 Recent Posts
When I was younger and I first heard about this new guy in the business I felt this connection to him that was very similar to what I felt when first saw "Narnia" screening.

Could it be that he is a manifestation of some entity from Narnia sent to wake us and sometimes let us develop in Narnia realm after bardo?

Chris M, modified 3 Years ago at 10/24/20 5:33 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 10/24/20 5:33 PM

RE: Is Eckhart Tolle from Narnia?

Posts: 5339 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
He's from the southern hemisphere of the fifth planet that orbits the star Arcturus.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Years ago at 10/25/20 2:24 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 10/25/20 2:24 AM

RE: Is Eckhart Tolle from Narnia?

Posts: 2939 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
As long you know that he knows the answer to all of it is 42 and you always know where your towel is and you Don't Panic, you will be fine son emoticon 
