RE: Ghosting

Dream Walker, modified 2 Years ago at 12/17/21 11:27 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 12/17/21 5:58 AM

RE: Ghosting

Posts: 1761 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts
Hey there, 
my teacher kind of ghosted on me for no apparent reason. Is this a common theme? 
I don't want to go into too much detail here, we had a good student-teacher relationship
At least you thought so, as far as your side went.
and then all of a sudden we stopped being in contact and to me it did seem like he wouldn't care about me as his student anymore.
Care? all of a sudden?
I also know it's nothing personal, I just find it weird.
So, your being vague about it. I expect that the "teacher" has their own stuff to deal with. No time to deal.
I don't expect any helpful answer to this question but maybe you guy's experienced something similar - let me know.
As a coach/teacher, I have a life and have ghosted peeps before. Mostly because for whatever I want, as I do not charge money. If you thought there was a transaction that allowed you direct access for some reason, think again. If you had a paid relationship with certain specific expectations that were somehow made explicit and the teacher failed to deliver, then there is that.
Good luck,
J W, modified 2 Years ago at 12/17/21 12:42 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 12/17/21 12:42 PM

RE: Ghosting

Posts: 689 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
I agree with everything D has said above. Teachers have their own stuff going on and are often wearing multiple hats, working full-time (sometimes very high-stress) jobs on top of teaching, etc, and so it's best to recognize that and not take it personally.

That said, I do understand the frustration of not knowing why the teacher broke off contact and the tendency to want to blame oneself for it. If it is really something you want to figure out, then perhaps a kindfully worded message through the correct channel, explaining your confusion, asking for some clarification, might be appropriate and helpful. But, it may not matter so much.

I have not been ghosted but have heard of it happening.  I have had a teacher tell me that they 'do not know how to help me', which I found a little bit strange at the time but in hindsight it seemed like the most compassionate thing that teacher could say in that situation. (They did also recommend a couple of other folks to me).

Best wishes