RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Pepe ·, modified 2 Years ago at 7/5/22 6:08 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/5/22 6:08 PM

Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynamics?

Posts: 740 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Hi DhOers,

Found this interesting 2021 short interview by chance, where Daniel talks about Alpha Male Dynamics, and other personality trait / disorders. Perhaps many of this issues are peppered too with cultural blind spots and constructs. Some discussions I have witnessed reminded me of the etiquette rules and elder/master worship in the eastern martial arts arena. 

Sigma Tropic, modified 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 9:32 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 9:19 AM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 368 Join Date: 6/27/17 Recent Posts
Can relate. Better to be able to use each of the archetypes imo. 
George S, modified 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 4:59 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 4:59 PM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
It reminded me of an interesting comment that Daniel made about alpha dynamics here:
Imagine if I stated, “At the Dharma Overground, my opinion is indistinguishable from others posting on the forum, and we all come to that table of co-adventuring stripped of regency, just more good people helping each other out free of bias and any trace of hierarchy,” you rightly would scream, “Delusion! Oh, that x-Buddhist! He is so blind to his own power and the dynamics that creates! He is just another foolish leader and that is just another foolish community!”, and, in this, would perhaps be doing us a service, or at least attempting to. I don’t for a minute believe that on my own forum which, while diverse, in general does give weight to my book and other works, that I could possibly be treated equally to everyone else there. I have privilege on the DhO. I have power on the DhO, likely more power than any of the other thousands of forum members. These are simply truths.

I am in an alpha role in my community at the moment, as you are in yours. There are other alphas around the DhO, and some of us get along well, but we all know we are alphas, or at least I hope we do. Even if I didn’t write the book that draws many of the forum’s participants (though certainly not all by any means), the simple fact that I am also the administrator of the website and can ban members and remove posts imposes clear power dynamics on the DhO, and it is 100% impossible that those aware of my power won’t have what they post there and about me and my ideas skewed by that simple fact, particularly when it comes to criticism of me. This, while unfortunate in obvious ways, is just a straightforward fact of life, which is a never-ending set of uneven power dynamics. I can attempt to be aware of these dynamics and sensitive to them, but I am 100% sure that I am not going to be able to perfectly compensate for them, nor is the community, as it is my house in the end, my party, my Feast there.
Pepe ·, modified 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 8:55 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/6/22 8:55 PM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 740 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Read the article only, not the comments where Daniel speaks up. It's surprising how clueless Chaim Wigder is. 
Griffin, modified 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 6:44 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 6:44 AM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 273 Join Date: 4/7/18 Recent Posts
Maybe you meant to say the opposite, read the comments not the article?
Pepe ·, modified 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 12:26 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 12:26 PM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 740 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Forgive my poor english. I meant "read" as in past tense, not "read" as an imperative present verbe. So it's:

"I have read the article only so far, not the comments where Daniel responses to the critiques".

Chaim Wigder is still clueless though emoticon 

Since then, I did read the section of the comments where Daniel enters, and his responses where brilliant
Griffin, modified 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 3:28 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 7/9/22 3:28 PM

RE: Daniel Ingram: Does Spiritual Awakening Affect Alpha / Beta Male Dynami

Posts: 273 Join Date: 4/7/18 Recent Posts
Oh I get it now emoticon 
