RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Report Inappropriate Content Here Chris M 12/10/22 8:20 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Smiling Stone 12/8/22 4:49 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Adi Vader 12/8/22 6:44 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Chris M 12/8/22 7:36 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Smiling Stone 12/8/22 7:38 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Chris M 12/8/22 7:44 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Chris M 12/8/22 8:24 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Smiling Stone 12/8/22 10:25 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 12/8/22 6:39 PM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Adi Vader 12/9/22 12:57 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Smiling Stone 12/9/22 5:06 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Chris M 12/9/22 8:37 AM
RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here Smiling Stone 12/9/22 11:53 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Smiling Stone 12/12/22 2:46 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Olivier S 12/19/22 7:33 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Smiling Stone 12/22/22 2:42 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Niels Lyngsø 1/4/23 7:02 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Chris M 1/4/23 8:42 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here J W 1/9/23 11:40 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Siavash ' 1/9/23 12:37 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here J W 1/9/23 12:58 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Siavash ' 1/9/23 1:16 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Siavash ' 1/9/23 1:19 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Siavash ' 1/9/23 1:25 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Chris M 1/10/23 7:49 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 1/20/23 3:32 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 1/26/23 11:57 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Jazz Muzak 1/26/23 6:22 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Niels Lyngsø 2/8/23 2:23 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Smiling Stone 2/10/23 4:32 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here ‎ ‎Nihila 2/13/23 6:11 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here ‎ ‎Nihila 2/14/23 4:59 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here ‎ ‎Nihila 2/14/23 5:19 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Smiling Stone 2/15/23 12:08 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 2/22/23 3:25 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here ‎ ‎Nihila 2/27/23 7:05 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Smiling Stone 4/24/23 4:36 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 4/24/23 4:53 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 7/3/23 6:59 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here ‎ ‎Nihila 2/24/24 6:58 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Chris M 2/24/24 7:53 AM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Papa Che Dusko 2/24/24 12:36 PM
RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here Siavash ' 2/24/24 4:18 PM
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 12/10/22 8:20 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/7/22 2:41 PM

Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
This thread will be used for DhO members to report terms of service violations - spam, name-calling, aggressiveness, and other behavior that violates the DhO terms of service. You can report violations by posting on this thread directly or, if you prefer, by direct messaging a moderator. You can find the moderators' DM addresses on the Moderators page:

The DhO terms of service appear on the home page and are spelled out below:

The Dharma Overground is a resource for the support of practices that actually lead to beneficial, fundamental mental, perceptual and emotional transformations. It is a place where everything related to the support of practice may flourish, including where to go on retreats, what techniques may lead to what, an in-depth look at the maps of possible states and stages, discussions about how to determine what experience was what, and in general anything that has to do with actually practicing rather than what typically occurs in, for example, standard meditation circles and forums. Here you will find a robust and diverse community of people with a wide range of experience levels, perspectives, and interests, though all loosely bound by the same basic principles of empowering, helpful, engaged knowledge, and exploration of the possibilities of the mind and how it may be modified to reduce suffering and enhance wisdom.In general our basic principles and attitudes favor:
  • pragmatism over dogmatism: what works is key, with works generally meaning the stages of insight, the stages of enlightenment, states of deep concentration, freedom from suffering in what ways are possible, the criteria for various attainments, the actual discussion of one's experience and the results of practice, etc.
  • diligent practice over blind faith: this place is about doing it and understanding for yourself rather than believing someone else and not testing those beliefs
  • openness regarding what the techniques may lead to and how these contrast or align with the traditional models
  • personal responsibility: you take responsibility for the choices you make and what you say and claim
  • a lack of taboos surrounding talking about attainments
  • the assumption that the various aspects of meditative development can be mastered in this life
  • the spirit of mutual, supportive adventurers on the path rather than rigid student-teacher relationships
  • and the notion that the collective wisdom of a group of strong practitioners at various stages and from various traditions and backgrounds is often better than following one guru-type.
  • Inclusion: Diversity is encouraged. If you are interested in the topics we emphasize here and in maintaining a culture conducive to supporting deep and open discussions of these things, then you are welcome here. Specifically, LGBTQIASetc., POC, white, women, men, trans, cis, other, etc. are welcome here. Please help maintain a culture of conversation that supports the deep practice of all people. May the teachings and practice of wisdom be open and available to all who seek them.
There are lots of ways up the mountain, and many interesting skills and insights to develop using many traditions and paths. Make yourself at home. Discover the possibilities of how straightforward, down-to-Earth, and practical the Dharma can be. May all find something here that is of value and contribute to the wisdom represented and conveyed here.Note well: the culture of open disclosure of practice is rare and requires vigilance to maintain. You are welcome to participate here so long as you help maintain that space in which deep practice can be discussed.Standard netiquette, aka common courtesy: The forum works best when everybody posts from a place of mutual consideration and thoughtfulness towards others. Constructive criticism and critiques are highly encouraged but should be done so in a calm, considerate manner. Avoid abrasiveness, derision, insults, and mockery. The Core Rules of Netiquette are a good general guide as to how to help this place support deep practice, and the Moderators are empowered to help direct things towards this fine ideal.If you require a space to discuss deep topics that is more private, this could be discussed with Daniel Ingram.To help keep the place more inviting of participation by those who can benefit from helpful friends supporting friends in their practices and sharing the intimate and deep adventures that these explorations can produce, the following ground rules have been adopted:
  • No name-calling or ad hominem attacks
  • No on-and-on repetitious, angry rants that marshal no supporting evidence, target an interlocutor, and have the effect of intimidating the interlocutor.
  • No threats of violence, even if metaphorical or aimed at no one in particular
  • No taunting, mocking, or intimidation of an individual or a group on the basis of race/ethnicity, sex, disability (including mental illness), sexual orientation, religious preference, or spiritual practice
  • No speech acts that would be actionable under US criminal or civil tort law 
  • Don't post copyrighted material that you don't have the right or permission to post or distribute except snippets allowed under Fair Use.
Proper use of DhO member accountsThe purpose of the DhO is to foster honest, forthright communication and the sharing of information and practices around the pursuit of meditation and the fruits of spiritual life. Honest communication cannot occur when subterfuge, dishonesty, and hidden agendas exist among people. Therefore, actively creating a DhO member account to imitate or impersonate another member, real or imagined, is not permitted. Starting a new account under a different name after being banned from DhO is not permitted. Using one alias as an account name for personal privacy reasons, a longstanding and time-honored practice on the Internet, is permitted. Otherwise, deceptive and dishonestly-created member accounts, as described above, will be removed for the safety and benefit of the DhO community.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 4:49 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 4:49 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Hey Chris,
Is it ok to just flag spams?
That's what I usually do, as it seems to be the quickest and least time consuming move...
​​​​​​​Thanks for the reminder, I had not read these in a while...
Adi Vader, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 6:44 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 6:43 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 369 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts

Spam bot
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:36 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:36 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Flagging spam is great and reporting spam is certainly fair game on this topic. I've already removed two spam topics based on Adi Vader's post here.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:38 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:38 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Ok so you checked this topic before the flag? You get the flags or it's automated? 
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:44 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:44 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Which topic did you flag as spam, Smiling Stone? Yes, I checked this topic first thing.
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 8:24 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 7:56 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
I'm looking deeper into the content flagging system and related reporting process. I'm not sure it works at all on DhO (after some testing this morning), but it's possible I'm ignorant of the process or just missing something. Users can click on the flagging icon and file a report, but that's the end of the process as far as I can tell.

Please stay tuned.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 10:25 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 10:25 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
It was two posts on a new thread by tsssd or a username like that. I often flag those and they disappear eventually, but if it's of no use, I'll just bring them here (as we were doing a while ago)...
Ok from your last post, I understand you don't receive any notification when I flag...
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 6:39 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/8/22 6:39 PM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
I don't seem to get any notifications of the flags whatsoever. 
Adi Vader, modified 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 12:57 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 12:57 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 369 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
Spam Bot:
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 5:06 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 5:06 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 8:37 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 8:37 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
After more digging around and finding nothing, I've decided to turn off inappropriate content flagging, so you will no longer see the "P" icon in the upper right-hand corner of every post. I'm still waiting to hear back from a technical resource on the missing reporting mechanism. I do hope to be able to get this process working end to end because it would be a benefit to all of us and would really help Linda and me with moderation.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 11:53 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/9/22 11:53 AM

RE: Please Report Terms of Service Violations Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
yes Chris, where did all these red flags go?
All the best with this endeavour...
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/12/22 2:46 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/12/22 2:46 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Spam report:
Olivier S, modified 1 Year ago at 12/19/22 7:33 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/19/22 7:33 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 983 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent Posts
Spam :
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 12/22/22 2:42 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/22/22 2:42 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Spam report:
Niels Lyngsø, modified 1 Year ago at 1/4/23 7:02 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/4/23 7:02 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 414 Join Date: 11/15/19 Recent Posts
This post is either dharma way beyond my paygrade or spam.
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 1/4/23 8:42 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/4/23 8:42 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
It was definitely spam, and now it has been removed and the poster banned.
J W, modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 11:40 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 11:40 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 694 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
Stumbled onto this and found it weird enough to report. There is hidden text which links to (most likely malware) in the below post, maybe others.  
If it were not for my tic of highlighting text as I read it, would never have seen it.

Siavash ', modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 12:37 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 12:37 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 1700 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
Hey J W,
It doesn't look like a spam, it's a link to an online game website.
But there is the question, why Malcolm has added that link in that kind of hidden way?! Or someone else has access to his account?
J W, modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 12:58 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 12:58 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 694 Join Date: 2/11/20 Recent Posts
 Yes, it's a link to a game (with a bunch of ads and who knows what else embedded on that page)

My assumption was that Malcolm didn't write that ... either his account is compromised (better) or there is some code injection happening either at the web layer or the database layer (worse).  Perhaps someone with more experience in web security and malware could weigh in.

I would recommend him changing password as a first step.
Siavash ', modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:16 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:16 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 1700 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
 I checked Malcolm's other recent posts, they don't have any hidden link (also not in other users' posts), so probably there is nothing compromised :-D

Siavash ', modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:19 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:18 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 1700 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
  It's this user:
Calvin Sykes
That had the link in their post, and since Malcolm had replied with quote, so the link had been copied to Malcolm's post. I'll check that user.
Siavash ', modified 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:25 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/9/23 1:25 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 1700 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
 The user had 3 posts, and all of them had hidden links.

Thank you J W for reporting it. I banned the user, since Chris doesn't seem to be online now. He'll decide about it when he comes online.
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 1/10/23 7:49 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/10/23 7:43 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Thanks, JW and Siavash. I would have immediately banned that poster. I'll go check the post unless it has been removed, which I'll do if it hasn't. This tactic - pretending to care about our conversations but using a comment to post spam or links to your website, has become common here. We catch most of these posts, but I'll now watch closely for hidden links.

EDIT: It turns out "Calvin Sykes" had been doing that same thing in every comment they made here. I've gone to each of the posts and edited the hidden links out of them. There were a total of three.

Great catch, JW.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 1/20/23 3:32 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/20/23 3:32 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Bumping this thread for visibility - thanks everyone for your help! 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 1/26/23 11:57 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/26/23 10:22 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Bumping this thread for visibility. Again, thanks everyone for you help!

New information:

Unfortunately, it is no longer technically possible to flag a post here to call the attention of a moderator. If there is something you want a moderator to look into without having to report it in public, the correct way of doing it for now is to send a message to me here at the forum. I check my messages very regularly. Of all the people with moderators rights here, I think it's safe to say that I'm the one who currently checks the private messages here most often for the purpose of moderating. 

If you don't know how to send a message, you can post in this thread or in my practice log and ask me to send a message to you. It is usually much more straightforward to respond to a message than to send a new one. If that doesn't work either, we can find some other way to communicate. (I'm happy to chat with people for other reasons too, so don't be a stranger.)

It is perfectly allright to get in touch with me for mediating purposes as well, if you think that might be helpful. I can't promise that I can communicate well with all members, but I usually communicate fairly well with those members who might need some feedback on their posting behavior. A proactive approach can often prevent shit from hitting the fan, I find. 

If you are fine with just reporting something in this thread, that's still an excellent way to do it.

Linda, DhO moderator
Jazz Muzak, modified 1 Year ago at 1/26/23 6:22 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 1/26/23 6:22 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 36 Join Date: 9/27/19 Recent Posts
thank you Linda! your powerful moderative energies are most appreciated.
Niels Lyngsø, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/23 2:23 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/23 2:23 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 414 Join Date: 11/15/19 Recent Posts
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 2/10/23 4:32 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/10/23 4:32 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Spam :
‎ ‎Nihila, modified 1 Year ago at 2/13/23 6:11 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/13/23 6:11 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 354 Join Date: 1/19/23 Recent Posts

‎ ‎Nihila, modified 1 Year ago at 2/14/23 4:59 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/14/23 4:59 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 354 Join Date: 1/19/23 Recent Posts

‎ ‎Nihila, modified 1 Year ago at 2/14/23 5:19 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/14/23 5:19 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 354 Join Date: 1/19/23 Recent Posts

Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 2/15/23 12:08 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/15/23 12:08 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Last user of these threads is a spambot ;
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 2/22/23 3:25 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/22/23 3:25 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Bumping for visibility
‎ ‎Nihila, modified 1 Year ago at 2/27/23 7:05 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/27/23 7:05 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 354 Join Date: 1/19/23 Recent Posts

Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 4/24/23 4:36 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 4/24/23 4:36 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts

User Sean Anthony is spaming various legitimate threads with posts icluding dodgy links
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 4/24/23 4:53 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 4/24/23 4:53 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Thanks! Good catch!
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 1 Year ago at 7/3/23 6:59 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/3/23 6:59 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Bumping for visibility
‎ ‎Nihila, modified 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 6:58 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 4:15 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 354 Join Date: 1/19/23 Recent Posts
Chris M, modified 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 7:53 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 7:53 AM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
They're gone now.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 12:36 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 12:36 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 3054 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
That damn impermanence! 
Siavash ', modified 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 4:18 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 2/24/24 4:18 PM

RE: Report Inappropriate Content Here

Posts: 1700 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
We are attacked by an evil AI, we need to train a virtuous AI : ))))
