had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "fakeness&

had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "fakeness& joh an 9/14/12 3:43 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken m m a 9/14/12 6:12 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 6:47 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken m m a 9/14/12 7:14 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 9:12 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken m m a 9/14/12 9:55 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 10:15 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken m m a 9/14/12 11:39 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 12:54 PM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken Simon Ekstrand 9/14/12 2:19 PM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken Tom M A 9/14/12 8:57 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 9:06 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken Tommy M 9/14/12 12:05 PM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken Simon Ekstrand 9/14/12 2:38 PM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken Tommy M 9/14/12 11:51 AM
RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken joh an 9/14/12 12:59 PM
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 3:43 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 3:43 AM

had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "fakeness&

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
new here, its my first post. sorry for spelling mistakes and what not!

i have been doing self inquiry since 5years or something, starting with eckhart tolle being my introduction. +many others but mostly been listening to adyashanti last years.. (never done any meditiation practice/sitting etc)

anyway to my question.

i have been having episodes where these feeling of nausious anxiety and/or fear and like my head is spinning and the heart beats really fast.. but i cant find the reason for this.. its like i get these feelings out of nowhere and it makes no sense.. i cant find the source. is it common to feel these feeling if ego gets dissulusioned?

in some way i can realise why there is fear and whatever, i kind of realised that i have to die to be what i am(sounds so dramatic ^^ ). but im just wondering if someone with more experience could elaborate on what i might be going through! would be greatly appreciated!
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 6:12 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 6:05 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
Um.... have you considered that you may be suffering from anxiety?

I'm not sure what reading a few Tolle or adyashanti books would have anything to do with this VERY common feeling. I dont think some anxiety means your ego is being disillusioned...

There are many techniques in meditation you could harness to help address/understand this feeling, but also you could take a valium, go for a jog, or see a shrink.

Seriously. This is a common thing. People who have never even considered the illusion of self feel it too.

joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 6:47 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 6:47 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
Um.... have you considered that you may be suffering from anxiety?

I'm not sure what reading a few Tolle or adyashanti books would have anything to do with this VERY common feeling. I dont think some anxiety means your ego is being disillusioned...

There are many techniques in meditation you could harness to help address/understand this feeling, but also you could take a valium, go for a jog, or see a shrink.

Seriously. This is a common thing. People who have never even considered the illusion of self feel it too.


well its not a few books its more like hundreds of hours of listening and deep inquiry of the nature of my self/ego. but it doesnt matter, because it cant be described with words anyway haha

anyway im sorry if i made my self unclear im not saying that this feeling is the cause of the disillution, im not asking it to go away. Im saying the opposite, can it be an effect of disillution is it normal to feel this way after you bust the ego trying to pretend to be you if that makes sense emoticon?
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 7:14 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 7:14 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
Yea! Definitely.Lots of yogis report feelings of fear and bewilderment upon realization of annata (no-self).

Did something happen to make you think that you have 'busted the ego?'
Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 8:57 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 7:17 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts

Go through this and see if it helps. I know a few people who have cleared themselves of anxiety, fears, physical symptoms, etc, by using this simple process. Even if it seems as if it won't work, I'd try it 1st judge later. I was just talking with a guy who cleared high high blood pressure using just this.
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 9:12 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 8:55 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
Yea! Definitely.Lots of yogis report feelings of fear and bewilderment upon realization of annata (no-self).

Did something happen to make you think that you have 'busted the ego?'

Thats good to hear!

hm its hard to explain but i had kind of given up on this spirutuality thing because i thought i already "knew" (like you should'nt search etc) but i never could see "beyond" ego.. and like i said i recently did some deep inquiry about the ego, reading and listening about random stuff i could find on the net, and when i read a text by osho were he explained ego. everything became very clear. like there is this thing pretending to be me, and it is me, but it is not ME, more a part of me. And this thing wich i am is only present in the present.

to make a long story short, it was more a feeling of "I see you"

i dont know if this answers your queestion though! xD
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 9:06 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 9:06 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
Tom M A:

Go through this and see if it helps. I know a few people who have cleared themselves of anxiety, fears, physical symptoms, etc, by using this simple process. Even if it seems as if it won't work, I'd try it 1st judge later. I was just talking with a guy who cleared high high blood pressure using just this.

thx for the tip! im actually already familiar with this method! emoticon but i dont think i need it right now emoticon
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 9:55 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 9:55 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
joh an:
m m a:
Yea! Definitely.Lots of yogis report feelings of fear and bewilderment upon realization of annata (no-self).

Did something happen to make you think that you have 'busted the ego?'

Thats good to hear!

hm its hard to explain but i had kind of given up on this spirutuality thing because i thought i already "knew" (like you should'nt search etc) but i never could see "beyond" ego.. and like i said i recently did some deep inquiry about the ego, reading and listening about random stuff i could find on the net, and when i read a text by osho were he explained ego. everything became very clear. like there is this thing pretending to be me, and it is me, but it is not ME, more a part of me. And this thing wich i am is only present in the present.

to make a long story short, it was more a feeling of "I see you"

i dont know if this answers your queestion though! xD

It does answer my question, quite well in fact. I can relate 100% to this experience, I remember it fondly, a first brush with anatta as an experience rather than an abstract intellectual concept.

But it is just the tip of the iceberg... have you done any reading on these forums about the 'Dark Night?'

Tom: That tapping seems like a watered down, highly marketed version of basic vipassana practice. Why not just practice noting, as described in MCTB or in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition? Its pretty popular on these forums, as you may have noticed.
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 10:15 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 10:15 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
It does answer my question, quite well in fact. I can relate 100% to this experience, I remember it fondly, a first brush with anatta as an experience rather than an abstract intellectual concept.

But it is just the tip of the iceberg... have you done any reading on these forums about the 'Dark Night?'

wonderful! emoticon

Yes i just read it briefly, but there seem to be a mountain of information of the various stages and maps of how this process is supposed to unfold, but im not that familiar with all the terms and everything. right now im just trying to focus and be present on the things that come up whatever it is, pain, feelings, thought etc.

I figured this was only the begining, i have a sense of whats to come because i know whats being asked of me :/
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 11:39 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 11:39 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
joh an:
It does answer my question, quite well in fact. I can relate 100% to this experience, I remember it fondly, a first brush with anatta as an experience rather than an abstract intellectual concept.

But it is just the tip of the iceberg... have you done any reading on these forums about the 'Dark Night?'

wonderful! emoticon

Yes i just read it briefly, but there seem to be a mountain of information of the various stages and maps of how this process is supposed to unfold, but im not that familiar with all the terms and everything. right now im just trying to focus and be present on the things that come up whatever it is, pain, feelings, thought etc.

I figured this was only the begining, i have a sense of whats to come because i know whats being asked of me :/

Wow, what a model student! Sounds like you are already following the best advice I could ever give.
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 11:51 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 11:51 AM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
Hey Joh An, welcome to the DhO.

By "self inquiry", I'm assuming you're talking about asking "Who am I?", in which case it's perfectly normal to notice anxiety or this sort of gut-level fear without any recognizable cause. It's typical for most people, at least at some point, regardless of which method you're using to experience this so don't worry about it. I'd also advise against going to your doctor or seeking medical advice unless it really begins to interfere with your ability to go about your business as normal; doubt, uncertainty, fear, anxiety and discomfort will come up again and again because you're directly investigating that which seems to be "you", it can be less than pleasant sometimes but is ultimately worth it.

A good way to deal with these feelings and sensations is to just be there with them as they happen. Don't try to fight them, change them or stop them, just let them be and recognize that they never last more than a matter of seconds (even though sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case) and how, no matter where you look or how you look at them, they aren't "you", they don't belong to a "you" and can't be said to contain or imply any sense of "you".

in some way i can realise why there is fear and whatever, i kind of realised that i have to die to be what i am

Good insight, but it's worth knowing that "I" never even existed in the first place and so "I" don't need to do anything. If you continue to investigate in the same way you have already, it'll become clearer through direct experience that "I" was only ever a thought, no different or any more special than any other thought that happens, and you'll find it easier to let go.

Hope that's of some help to you.
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:05 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:05 PM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
This guys stuff is a re-labeled NLP method of dealing with basic emotional issues, it may be useful outwith a meditative context but, in my experience of study and practice of NLP, won't help deal with self-inquiry/insight related anxiety other than, perhaps, superficially.
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:59 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:37 PM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts
Tommy M]Hey Joh An, welcome to the DhO.

oh and thanks! glad to be here! emoticon

By "self inquiry", I'm assuming you're talking about asking "Who am I?", in which case it's perfectly normal to notice anxiety or this sort of gut-level fear without any recognizable cause. It's typical for most people, at least at some point, regardless of which method you're using to experience this so don't worry about it. I'd also advise against going to your doctor or seeking medical advice unless it really begins to interfere with your ability to go about your business as normal; doubt, uncertainty, fear, anxiety and discomfort will come up again and again because you're directly investigating that which seems to be "you", it can be less than pleasant sometimes but is ultimately worth it.

A good way to deal with these feelings and sensations is to just be there with them as they happen. Don't try to fight them, change them or stop them, just let them be and recognize that they never last more than a matter of seconds (even though sometimes that doesn't seem to be the case) and how, no matter where you look or how you look at them, they aren't "you", they don't belong to a "you" and can't be said to contain or imply any sense of "you".

Hope that's of some help to you.

That right (who am i) and yes again the feeling is in the gut area emoticon okej good to hear, thx for advice it helps alot!

in some way i can realise why there is fear and whatever, i kind of realised that i have to die to be what i am
Good insight, but it's worth knowing that "I" never even existed in the first place and so "I" don't need to do anything. If you continue to investigate in the same way you have already, it'll become clearer through direct experience that "I" was only ever a thought, no different or any more special than any other thought that happens, and you'll find it easier to let go.

yeah, it was kind of an over simplification on my part, nothing real dies emoticon but still tension and resistance is there
joh an, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:54 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 12:54 PM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 7 Join Date: 9/14/12 Recent Posts

Wow, what a model student! Sounds like you are already following the best advice I could ever give.

haha now i have a nice feeling ^^

okey then i will continue doing what im doing! thx alot for your answers has been really nice talking to you! emoticon
Simon Ekstrand, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 2:19 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 2:19 PM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
Hi m m a,

m m a:

Tom: That tapping seems like a watered down, highly marketed version of basic vipassana practice. Why not just practice noting, as described in MCTB or in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition? Its pretty popular on these forums, as you may have noticed.

I'm curious how you came to that conclusion? From my own usage of it there is nothing vipassana like about it at all. Like Tommy mentioned it's for dealing with emotional issues - in my experience highly effectively. It managed to entirely rid me of problems I'd been having with 'kriyas' while meditating in just a couple of days, which apparently had an emotional basis, not to mention quite a bit of other emotional baggage.

My own comparison would be with forgiveness meditation, similar goals, similar methods, except with more tapping and less meditation, also much more to the point and quicker.

Great stuff in my opinion, if you have problems within the domain of what it can address.

Simon Ekstrand, modified 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 2:38 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 9/14/12 2:38 PM

RE: had a insight recently and feel the illusion of my self the "faken

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
Hi Tommy,

Tommy M:
This guys stuff is a re-labeled NLP method of dealing with basic emotional issues, it may be useful outwith a meditative context but, in my experience of study and practice of NLP, won't help deal with self-inquiry/insight related anxiety other than, perhaps, superficially.

In my own limited experience it has improved my concentration in meditation by a marked degree by virtue of helping to clear out a bunch of emotional mind-gunk quite quickly and easily, so there is certainly some value there from a meditative standpoint.

I think the man himself considers it a superset of NLP, though I hold no personal opinion on the matter.

