Insight and Wisdom - Discussion
Insight and Wisdom
Arising and Passing (A&P)
Everything related to Arising and Passing should go here.
0 Categories 92 Threads -
Dealing with the Dark Night
Everything related to dealing with the Dark Night, Dukkha Ñanas, 3rd Vipassana Jhana, etc. can go here.
0 Categories 272 Threads -
Showing 1 to 4 of 14 entries.
Regular reality vs Sensory reality in Daniel's work.
Started by Diogo Kelles Fonseca
Eudoxos . replied 21 Days ago.
215425 -
Different words to describe Dukkha
Started by Papa Che Dusko
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
212339 -
The Noble Quest: dharma, attainments, cults, sects, doctrines, dogmas
Started by Bahiya Baby
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 1 Month ago.
21792 -
The path and core wounds - A practice summary
Started by pixelcloud *
pixelcloud * replied 1 Month ago.
193087 -
Objects for noting in daily life, other related questions
Started by Mikey Oz
John L replied 2 Months ago.
134340 -
How do I un-see the 3 characteristics? I'm getting unwanted insights
Started by Andrew S
terry replied 2 Months ago.
73971 -
Identification With the Body is the Cause of Stress
Started by Marino Klisovich
Martin V replied 2 Months ago.
32917 -
How First Path changed your life?
Started by Diogo Kelles Fonseca
shargrol replied 2 Months ago.
235326 -
A Brief Practical Step By Step No B******t Summary to Enlightenment
Started by Andrew Lyssunov
Todo replied 3 Months ago.
598105 -
A couple of questions, genuinely would like some help
Started by Gerome Bogman
Gerome Bogman replied 4 Months ago.
65741 -
Asking for guidance after years of practice
Started by Isthmus T
Marino Klisovich replied 4 Months ago.
69204 -
How do views change experience?
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Papa Che Dusko replied 5 Months ago.
2921731 -
non goal orinted (but mostly goal oriented) practice log
Started by Dustin
Papa Che Dusko replied 5 Months ago.
3512956 -
Awakening beyond the pragmatic 4th path model
Started by Nervous Bee
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop replied 6 Months ago.
5024273 -
A critique on the necessity of Dark Night of the soul
Started by Coiby Xu
Jim Smith replied 6 Months ago.
2617399 -
post 1st path practices and difficulties
Started by Dustin
Papa Che Dusko replied 6 Months ago.
Showing 1 to 20 of 588 entries.