Miscellaneous - Discussion
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0 Categories 27 Threads
Question: effects of meditation with eyes open
Started by John Adams
Joshua, the solitary replied 11 Years ago.
13964 -
Question - Intense Itching whilst meditating
Started by Rod C
Bagpuss The Gnome replied 11 Years ago.
719862 -
I really don't see how desire causes suffering
Started by Jake T Smith
Jack Hatfield replied 11 Years ago.
913028 -
musical attempt to portray nanas
Started by Joshua, the solitary
Eric G replied 11 Years ago.
14250 -
Creating a Series of Videos: anything you want to see?
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Dream Walker replied 11 Years ago.
3924712 -
Top of my feet are numb. What should I do?
Started by Rick M
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
1114546 -
Poll: would you get involved in this again if you had your time over?
Started by Robin Woods
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 11 Years ago.
2511050 -
Muscular spasms/contractions/tightness, suffering, and relief
Started by Change A.
Bagpuss The Gnome replied 11 Years ago.
14500 -
What do all the letters stand for? PCE? A&P and all the others?
Started by racecar backwards
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 11 Years ago.
14779 -
Showing 941 to 960 of 1,288 entries.