Books and Websites - Discussion
Books and Websites
Where can I find Mahasi Sayadaw's full treatise on Vipassana?
Started by George S. Lteif
George S. Lteif replied 10 Years ago.
710678 -
A short TED talk on absorption from a neuroscientist pov
Iulian Doroftei, modified 10 Years ago.
04007 -
Thinking Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman (plus Flow by Csikszentm
Started by Richard Zen
old dried leaf replied 10 Years ago.
310354 -
Listening to Dharma books on the go
Started by Sweet Nothing
Sweet Nothing replied 10 Years ago.
17216 -
No Ajahn Chah - PDF
Started by Tom Tom
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
26087 -
Bill Hamilton's Wave-Particle Theory analogy
Started by M T
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
37053 -
Books or teachings on how to do direct pointing?
Started by Sadalsuud Beta Aquarii
triple think replied 11 Years ago.
86875 -
Books / Teachings on Self Inquiry?
Started by Bagpuss The Gnome
Per Nyfelt replied 11 Years ago.
1213519 -
Shameless plug for Evolving Dharma by my friend Jay Michaelson
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Ward Law replied 8 Years ago.
713320 -
Showing 461 to 480 of 720 entries.