The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 10:50 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/6/20 3:53 PM

The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
A picture is worth a thousand words. Actually, there are many words in this picture ... Here's a brief summary of MCTB2 chapter on The Seven Factors of Awakening, where Daniel displays a really comprehensive framework that I find very handy for my insight practices. Please, send me any correction required, either grammar or of comprehension of the subject. Probably there are topics that need more space or that I haven't catch properly Daniel's tone.  

Edit: changed from a JPG to PNG for better visualization and then some typos 
Mista Tibbs, modified 4 Years ago at 1/6/20 7:47 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/6/20 7:47 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 81 Join Date: 8/17/18 Recent Posts
... transformative emoticon 
Thank you for sharing
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 1/13/20 8:37 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/7/20 11:01 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
I include here Daniel's Hierarchy of Vipassana Practice, as it's much related to his insight framework described in the OP.
Conscio - -, modified 4 Years ago at 1/7/20 11:15 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/7/20 11:15 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 2 Join Date: 6/20/18 Recent Posts
Thank you for sharing.
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 6:52 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/11/20 12:03 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
I include here Daniel's descriptions of the Three Characteristics, the key thing to investigate in his framework, and what differences vipassana from concentration practices. For now, Anicca and Dukkha only. Anatta will come later, as it's more challenging to summarize, as perhaps there's more info spread throughout the books (both versions, eg. MCTB1 has a No-Self vs True-Self that's missing in MCTB2, but parts (edit: most) of it are found in The True-Self Models chapter) that in it's specific (yet introductory) chapter. 

Daniel M Ingram, modified 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 4:09 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 4:09 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Thanks, Pepe!

Noticed a typo on the Dukkha sheet in the Practice section where an "or" is an "o".

May our work help many!

Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 10:51 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/14/20 6:56 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts

Thank you Daniel for the wealth of information, insights, tools and tips you've provided all these years to the worldwide meditation community!
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 1/18/20 12:29 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 1/18/20 12:29 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Anatta is a much more complex topic, so I spread the summary in three pages. Texts were picked up from different chapters (The Three Characteristics, True Self Models, A Revised Four Path Model). Dependent Origination is a related topic, but left out here, because of its depth. 

Tim Farrington, modified 4 Years ago at 4/4/20 6:36 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/4/20 6:35 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 2464 Join Date: 6/13/11 Recent Posts
Pepe, thank you so much for this great work! The condensation and intensification is very potent. 
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 4/4/20 3:31 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/4/20 3:31 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Thanks Tim! I'm nowadays doing a compilation of Daniel's posts at DhO, much like Shargrol's . There's a lot of wisdom, practice tips, books recommendations and DhO history buried in his posts. 
Tim Farrington, modified 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 6:21 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 6:21 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 2464 Join Date: 6/13/11 Recent Posts
Awesome, wow. Thank you.
Tim Farrington, modified 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 6:28 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 6:28 AM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 2464 Join Date: 6/13/11 Recent Posts
Pepe, to possibly overstep an analogy, if MCTB2 is scripture-like, then things like the Shargrol and Daniel compilations will be more like Mishnah or Talmud--- exegesis, nuances, debates among the rabbis, commentary, stories, songs, myths, pragmatics of community, etc. It's a marvelous thing to do, and I'm also very grateful that you're doing it in English, not Aramaic!
Daniel M Ingram, modified 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 4:29 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/5/20 4:29 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Dear Pepe,

Wow! I am honored. You have a large task before you: may that go well and benefit many! Best wishes, and stay safe!
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 4/6/20 3:04 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/6/20 3:04 PM

RE: The Seven Factors of Awakening - Daniel Ingram's Framework

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
The honor is mine, Daniel. Happy to serve the DhO community. This Talmud of sorts - as Tim says emoticon - would eventually have links to both DhO forum and Extrapolating with what I've already been doing, the compilation could end up being 550,000 words, as long as MCTB2... I'm doing it little by little, as I find free time. It will take several months. Be patient please
