RE: Possible EQ or A&P

A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 9:06 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 9:06 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
I used to claim many ñanas and paths. That has changed recently. So just maybe note that.
Tim Mauritz Hedberg, modified 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 9:15 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 9:14 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Post: 1 Join Date: 4/13/20 Recent Posts
Im looking for guidance and advice, i didnt really mean to claim anything, i'd be more than happy if someone pointed out something which could make me change my mind.

Im myself doubtful that it's EQ, but it also seems logical to me. 
Thx for the reply

A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 11:17 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/13/20 11:17 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
Pick the smallest thing you are grateful for. Watch how your relationship to that object changes. In essence jhana practice. It's your new best friend.
A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/20/20 12:17 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/20/20 12:17 PM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
The things I have been noticing today are this.

I often am surprised that in the older generation the sound of communism and top down government is the mono record player and record in that order. Well. It's challenging to continually adjust to that paradigm when your a young and have visited communist friendly countries yourself. It's more of an obsession with surround sound that I am worried about.
Brian, modified 4 Years ago at 4/20/20 9:49 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/20/20 9:49 PM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 114 Join Date: 1/21/19 Recent Posts
Hmm, you got me intrigued. Can you say more clearly what you mean about communism?
A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/21/20 8:14 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/21/20 8:14 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
It was a fleeting thought, and by recording it I hopped to record how it made me feel. So there is that element of sponenaity. I find it interesting that so little is said about China's great religions, even with the shadow of communism. A lot of question marks>? Please realize that I don't know why I wrote it, but I am glad you asked emoticon
A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 10:38 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/22/20 10:38 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
Sorry. I didn't mean for this thread to get away from me. But mostly I listen to records, it's a type of sonic mindfulness equation for me. Most of what I have to say about it wouldn't make sense to anybody.
A Dietrich Ringle, modified 4 Years ago at 4/21/20 8:37 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 4/21/20 8:37 AM

RE: Possible EQ or A&P

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
The kind of stuff I posted on your thread (now my thread?) is recollective of A and P. Creating theories, making novel observations, etc.
