Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat? - Discussion
Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Brad John Turner, modified 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 4:52 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 4:52 PM
Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Posts: 11 Join Date: 4/12/20 Recent Posts
Hey all, I'll be attending a Goenka retreat soon. I will be doing the body scanning and following the instructions. However, my practice for several months has been Mahasi noting. My question is the off cushion, transition periods of the retreat would it be wise to note during these periods for continuous awareness? I feel I will do it habitually but I don't want to be crossing methods and cause any disturbance/confusion. Any advice here? Thanks
Z , modified 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 7:04 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 7:00 PM
RE: Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Posts: 201 Join Date: 3/16/18 Recent Posts
You should follow the instructions given to you at the retreat center, I imagine they will offer guidance for what to do during transition periods.
If you find yourself noting on the retreat, either consciously or involuntarily, it's not the end of the world. As it's been your main technique for many months, it's possible that you might find yourself doing it every now and then, so don't beat yourself up about it. Simply try to gently redirect yourself to the technique given on the retreat if you find it happening. Do your best to follow the instructions as doing so will be helpful for reporting your experience honestly and openly to the teachers there.
If you find yourself noting on the retreat, either consciously or involuntarily, it's not the end of the world. As it's been your main technique for many months, it's possible that you might find yourself doing it every now and then, so don't beat yourself up about it. Simply try to gently redirect yourself to the technique given on the retreat if you find it happening. Do your best to follow the instructions as doing so will be helpful for reporting your experience honestly and openly to the teachers there.
Daniel M Ingram, modified 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 7:01 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 7/28/20 7:01 PM
RE: Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Posts: 3277 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
While there is intrinsically nothing wrong with mixing methods from your personal practice point of view, this will:
1) Annoy the Goenka kids if you tell them, and I am putting this lightly, as they will likely ban you from all Goenka retreats
2) Possibly create effects they won't as likely understand well
3) Violate the basic agreement you will have made with them, which is explicitly to not mix methods
If someone came on retreat with me and they were not following my instructions and doing their own thing and not telling me, that would personally annoy me, so, yes, Mindfulness is cleary part of their thing, but Noting is clearly not, so, to maintain harmony and the basic spirit of respect for traditions, probably better to just pay attention, as they can't possibly fault that.
My two cents,
1) Annoy the Goenka kids if you tell them, and I am putting this lightly, as they will likely ban you from all Goenka retreats
2) Possibly create effects they won't as likely understand well
3) Violate the basic agreement you will have made with them, which is explicitly to not mix methods
If someone came on retreat with me and they were not following my instructions and doing their own thing and not telling me, that would personally annoy me, so, yes, Mindfulness is cleary part of their thing, but Noting is clearly not, so, to maintain harmony and the basic spirit of respect for traditions, probably better to just pay attention, as they can't possibly fault that.
My two cents,
Anna Kamara, modified 3 Years ago at 10/25/20 12:38 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 10/25/20 12:38 PM
RE: Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Posts: 14 Join Date: 10/13/20 Recent Posts
Just to say that at my first Goenka retreat, noting occured quite naturally but at that time i was not even aware that this technique existed. It is simply part of the concentrated mind you'll build with the first day of anapana, each time you 'll slightly move you will "note" those subtle movements and each time your mind will wander away you will note the mind has wandered. For me noting was an effect of concentration.
Bailey , modified 3 Years ago at 10/26/20 4:17 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 10/26/20 4:16 PM
RE: Off cushion noting at Goenka retreat?
Posts: 267 Join Date: 7/14/11 Recent Posts
Yes, very important not to cross techniques. During the transition periods simply keep doing their meditation. You keep your attention on the breathe while you are doing that the first couple days and then you keep your attention on your body after they transition to that.