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Perceptive reality snapped away followed by feeling of being "Powered On"?
Started by Silas Day
Stephen McClard replied 5 Years ago.
1477691 Answer -
protection against ex-Partner's (un) intentional bad wishes?
Started by Jano Pavuk
Nicky replied 5 Years ago.
6104090 Answers -
Shwe Oo Min - good for stream entry? Anyone been or have any information?
Started by F V
F V replied 5 Years ago.
107898 -
7 day S.E is possible : Samahta-Vipassana + experienced mentors guidiance
Started by Pyro Arkar
Derek2 replied 3 Years ago.
8140444 -
Where does cessation fit in to the stages of insight or of awakening?
Started by Jim Smith
Pepe ยท replied 3 Years ago.
9528900 -
Strong awareness or focus on head area leading to hardships in practice
Started by BlueSky
Matthew replied 6 Years ago.
126188 -
The Venerable W.: a monk preaching murder ?
Started by manucho
I Dream of Jnani replied 6 Years ago.
18105950 Answers -
How many arahants are there on earth today?
Started by Tom Smith
Robin Woods replied 6 Years ago.
1811506 -
Why I am here (in both senses!)
Started by Not two, not one
Not two, not one replied 6 Years ago.
53967 -
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries.