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What were you doing when you attained stream entry?
Started by M C
Pål R replied 6 Years ago.
43269951 Answer -
Andy R replied 9 Years ago.
489920 Answers -
RE: Transcranial direct current stimulation
Started by Tom Smith
CJMacie replied 9 Years ago.
46221 -
Transactional Analysis and the "Drama Overground"
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Paul Anthony replied 9 Years ago.
108900 -
Buddhist Geeks 2014 DhO Gathering
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Simon T. replied 9 Years ago.
3221306 -
Please Describe How You Experience the Three Doors
Started by Jenny
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
2014395 -
Can Stream Entry Knock One Out of Equanimity and Formations?
Started by Jenny
Jenny replied 10 Years ago.
3129493 -
Monkey Mind squirmed in embarrassment for a moment...
Started by Florian
Florian replied 13 Years ago.
2722463 -
Yet another intense A&P passage, I think...
Started by Andy R
Jill Morana replied 13 Years ago.
35819 -
Attain 1st jhana momentarily, immediately start going to 2nd and lose both
Started by Matthew N
Matthew N replied 13 Years ago.
875650 Answers -
Early Taste of Equanimity or Expected A&P Stuff?
Started by Andy R
Andy R replied 13 Years ago.
478252 Answers -
The Benefits of Noting
Started by Nikolai .
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 13 Years ago.
129870 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 25 entries.