Problem with breathing

Joao Marcelo Ferreira Santos, modified 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 12:31 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 12:31 AM

Problem with breathing

Post: 1 Join Date: 3/31/16 Recent Posts
Hey guys, its my firs post on this forum.. 

I started meditating regularly about a month ago, my aim is concentration and i choose the breath technique for this, focusing on the breath and returning to it whenever i get distracted...  things were getting better, my mind started getting more calm and i started feeling better.,  

the problem started recently, i have a problem on my nose channel that when i breath through my nose, after about 10 minutes or less i start hearing my breath very loud, just like people do when they close their ears and talk at the same time.. it absolutely destroyed my concentration, its very hard to focus on a subtle feeling of air passing through your nostrils when theres a loud heavy noise coming from inside your ears.. 

My question is: are there other objects as good as breathing in order to reach the four jhanas? Breath is the most popular object and i thought it was the best as well..  i'm thinking about moving to kasina or visual concentration parctice..  do u think i'll be able to reach the jhanas doing different kimds of concentrstion techniques or breathing is by far the best of them?

someone with a different concentration technique could give an advice? thank you!
Dream Walker, modified 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 12:57 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 12:57 AM

RE: Problem with breathing

Posts: 1761 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts
Joao Marcelo Ferreira Santos:
the problem started recently, i have a problem on my nose channel that when i breath through my nose, after about 10 minutes or less i start hearing my breath very loud, just like people do when they close their ears and talk at the same time.. it absolutely destroyed my concentration, its very hard to focus on a subtle feeling of air passing through your nostrils when theres a loud heavy noise coming from inside your ears.. 

My question is: are there other objects as good as breathing in order to reach the four jhanas? Breath is the most popular object and i thought it was the best as well..  i'm thinking about moving to kasina or visual concentration parctice..  do u think i'll be able to reach the jhanas doing different kimds of concentrstion techniques or breathing is by far the best of them?

someone with a different concentration technique could give an advice? thank you!
Do you know what is a great concentration object is for getting into the jhanas? Listening to the sound of your breath.

I meditate at the gym mostly, have for years now. There are wieghts clanging, people talking, music blaring, sound of running on the tredmills, grunts and wheezing, etc. I have never had an issue with the loud breath problem. Perhaps you can get used to whatever is going on and use it to help meditation rather than hinder it. Just a thought...
Good luck,
Nicky, modified 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 1:13 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 3/31/16 1:10 AM

RE: Problem with breathing

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts
Joao Marcelo Ferreira Santos:
Hey guys, its my firs post on this forum.. 

someone with a different concentration technique could give an advice? thank you!

the Buddha explained the noble practitioner attains jhana by making 'letting go' or the 'non-attached mind' the meditation object 

And what is the faculty of concentration? There is the case where a disciple of the noble ones, making it his object to let go, attains concentration, attains singleness of mind.

trying to watch breathing can be problematic because it controls the breathing & can cause distortions in mind/body awareness

but if you learn to let go with a silent mind, the mind will still become aware of the breathing in a natural automatic way 

this also allows the body-mind-breath relationship to develop harmoniously, without friction or sluggishness 

that is advice i can offer you

best wishes 
