Vipassana: Noting/Mahasi Style - Discussion
Vipassana: Noting/Mahasi Style
Not able to note hearing and feeling at same time due to visualization
Matt N, modified 12 Years ago.
03953 -
A detailed account of trying to land first path on a 3 wk work retreat
Started by Dan Bartlett
Dan Bartlett replied 12 Years ago.
2118016 -
Working with sensations in the head
Started by Brother Pussycat
mind less replied 12 Years ago.
24446 -
I am completely confused by noting.
Started by Keith Payne
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 13 Years ago.
76113 -
The nature of inside-out-attention
Started by Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
End in Sight replied 13 Years ago.
44997 -
Working with blockages/intense sensations at the heart center
Started by Dylan .
Dylan . replied 13 Years ago.
412687 -
Hello Stream. Nice to Enter You. (Practice thread)
Started by Michael A.
End in Sight replied 13 Years ago.
1710381 -
Showing 181 to 200 of 311 entries.