Brahmaviharas - Discussion
How has Metta meditation changed you and impacted your life?
Started by Aeon .
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 3 Months ago.
2314776 -
Cultivating Brahmaviharas to enter jhana
Started by A. Dietrich Ringle
A. Dietrich Ringle replied 4 Years ago.
416783 -
What do you visualize when wishing well for all beings?
Started by David Matte
J W replied 4 Years ago.
618085 -
My modified Metta / Brahmavihara instructions
Started by bernd the broter
Paul Smith replied 6 Years ago.
524181 -
Ressources and thoughts on Mudita practice
Started by bernd the broter
Dada Kind replied 9 Years ago.
119227 -
Stanford CCARE co-sponsoring Compassion Summit
Started by katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks
Noah replied 9 Years ago.
118859 -
"If Clementa Pinckney Had Lived"
Started by katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks
Eva Nie replied 9 Years ago.
2035835 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries.