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Sense of self in chest - please help
Started by Robin Woods
Bay Area Muppet replied 1 Month ago.
35081 -
Exploring Meditation with Significant Other?
Started by Akko !
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop replied 17 Days ago.
253635 -
What is "Zen koan koan training at its best?"
Started by Alley Faint Wurds
terry replied 1 Month ago.
314810 -
Why its not regularly mentioned to JUMP to Jhana-4
Started by finding-oneself ♤
Martin replied 2 Months ago.
2711913 -
Have I uncovered a previously unwritten form of insight meditation?
Started by Alley Faint Wurds
Alley Faint Wurds replied 1 Month ago.
526392 -
Noticing the 3 characteristics all at once or doing dedicated sits for each
Started by mau poopoopeepee
Dream Walker replied 2 Months ago.
72810 -
We don't know how much better we could feel if we'd feed the brain properly
Started by Jim Smith
terry replied 2 Months ago.
13423 -
A critique on the necessity of Dark Night of the soul
Started by Coiby Xu
Jim Smith replied 2 Months ago.
2612019 -
general question about TWIM (Bhante Vimalaramsi)
Started by Tom W
Pepe · replied 2 Months ago.
5814511 -
Regarding organisations, teachers and psychosis on retreats
Started by Bahiya Baby
Matt Jon Rousseau replied 3 Months ago.
Showing 1 to 20 of 572 entries.