Threads with tag 1st jhana .

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Thread Started By Replies Views Last Post  
Jhanas for the jhana resistant? Low Quality Qualia 3 8645
What I've been waiting for Dave Evans 1 7215
How long for Jhana to kick in? Rooster 2 7730
ARAHATH WAJIRABUDDHI THERO Viran Shaminda Kariyawasam 0 11793
Concentration balance + beginner jhana questions Nicolas 9 9035
Possible 1st jhana followed by malaise Arianne A G 4 7012
ARAHANT WAJIRABUDDHI Viran Shaminda Kariyawasam 0 11053
basic help Peter G G 5 7668
1st Jhana...maybe more? Gary Sanders 7 8009
Sheldon's Meditation Journal Sheldon Frith Nicholson 10 10074
Practice Log Aiming for 1st Jhana, Stream Entry & Beyond Ryan Jaidsedha Burton 14 9421
Going for Stream Entry at 60-Day Panditarama Retreat. Help!!! Ryan Jaidsedha Burton 12 12499
1st Jhana and Access Concentration Nick Myers 86 29295
Getting stuck just before Jhana states Jim W 10 10334
First Jhana without nimitta? lulu Nomas 2 8063
Is it Jhana without Nimitta and Bliss? Mike R 15 13798
Blocked piti at access concentration Andy W 13 16031
Access concentration / 1st Jhana / 2nd Jhana - Where am I? Mat S 4 9034
What's the difference between Access Concentration and the 1st Jhana. neem nyima 14 15764
