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Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry
Started by Mike Gee
Mike Gee replied 11 Years ago.
693140 Answers -
insight meditation and feminism, a dialogue
Started by stefan .
Stefan . replied 11 Years ago.
67481 -
Is this insight progress, or am I just depressed?
Started by Trilan Gulbe
Trilan Gulbe replied 11 Years ago.
77617 -
Are there any good web communities on magick?
Started by Conor O'Higgins
R. Gabriel Hill replied 12 Years ago.
16847 -
Doing it vs Gettin' It Done/Practice Survey
Started by Alan Smithee
tamaha replied 6 Years ago.
1819472 -
Why would you want to practice magick when you can just do vipassana?
Started by Fitter Stoke
Jano Pavuk replied 4 Years ago.
34259071 -
Ok, how does progressing through the Maps of Insight really work?
Started by Beoman Beoman
patrick kenny replied 14 Years ago.
7192710 Answers -
Showing 1 to 13 of 13 entries.