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An Idiots Guide to Dharma Diagnosis
Started by Kenneth Folk
Lynsey Jenkins replied 1 Year ago.
67123568 -
Noticing the three characteristics in all sensations?
Started by Wet Paint
Chris Marti replied 15 Years ago.
2052009 -
Sleep states/disorders & insight events?
Started by Nathan William Rosquist
lena lozano replied 15 Years ago.
109319 -
A Critique of Noting and Fixed Concentration Practices
Started by Wet Paint
lena lozano replied 15 Years ago.
5127505 -
Responses to Jewish Mysticism and the DhO
Started by Kenneth Folk
lena lozano replied 15 Years ago.
2416911 -
Bored in Equanimity waiting for first Path?
Started by Florian
Howard Clegg replied 14 Years ago.
4044428 -
The Progress of Insight (part three): Knowledge of Equanimity
Started by Kenneth Folk
Jason Massie replied 7 Years ago.
3826473 -
Goenka terminology and DO terminolgy
Started by Nikolai Stephen Halay
Bruno Loff replied 14 Years ago.
915259 -
training in morality-overcoming hatred
Started by lena lozano
lena lozano replied 16 Years ago.
46039 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 20 entries.