Claims to Attainments - Discussion
Claims to Attainments
Knock Knock
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 13 Days ago.
6824 -
Achieved Stream-Entry in 2 Months
Started by Andrew Lyssunov
Andrew Lyssunov replied 1 Month ago.
3524906 -
Is an Arhat without defilements?
Started by Neem Nyima
terry replied 5 Months ago.
84445871 Answer -
My story and non dual realization
Started by I Am Me And Everything
I Am Me And Everything replied 6 Months ago.
1618914 -
What exactly is it about cessation that makes it so important?
Started by chris jordan
Chris M replied 10 Months ago.
2720809 -
My spouse had a "spontaneous spiritual awakening" & I am lost
Started by J Bowlin
Hector L replied 10 Months ago.
1518967 -
Questionnaire for Stream Enterers
Started by Can Luis Özkan
Can Luis Özkan replied 12 Months ago.
2019409 -
As a formal introdution: I understand nothing
Started by Sarah Li
Stickman3 replied 1 Year ago.
1720802 -
I have a complicated attainment and am seeking information
Started by Kira Terpsichore
Kira Terpsichore replied 1 Year ago.
619672 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 402 entries.