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Analayo's article about meditation maps, others, and me in Mindfulness
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Balint P. replied 3 Years ago.
175101182 -
About doing multiplication tables as a formal concentration practice
Started by Alex
tom moylan replied 5 Years ago.
151330 Answers -
What do you see behind your eyelids?
Started by Eva Nie
Stephen McClard replied 5 Years ago.
1121774 -
Jack Kornfield and Shinzen Young on Shamanism
Started by Babs _
Chris M replied 5 Years ago.
3616264 -
Analayo - satipaรฌรฌhรฃna The Direct Path to Realization
Started by tom moylan
tom moylan replied 5 Years ago.
86716 -
Venerable Analayo Vipassana Traditions vs Goenka
Started by tom moylan
Smiling Stone replied 5 Years ago.
313178 -
Some views on the technique in the Goenka tradition
Started by Smiling Stone
S Joseph replied 26 Days ago.
8342566 -
Short Vajrassatva Retreat - Doubts around Tibetan Buddhism
Started by Fabian Storer
tom moylan replied 5 Years ago.
33437 -
Wall of Shamatha: My Concentration
Started by Silas Day
tom moylan replied 5 Years ago.
334511 Answer -
Where does cessation fit in to the stages of insight or of awakening?
Started by Jim Smith
Pepe ยท replied 2 Years ago.
9528672 -
Showing 1 to 20 of 615 entries.