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PCE's vs Concentration practices vs Jhana , or is it all the same?
Started by Psi
Psi replied 9 Years ago.
2817584 -
Debate about Not Tao's Stoic Taoist Psychotheaputic Actual Freedom Practice
Started by Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem
Not Tao replied 9 Years ago.
1410424 -
A different way of thinking about Actual Freedom
Started by Not Tao
Psi replied 10 Years ago.
19060629 -
Are (buddhist) monks/devoted meditators ever depressed
Started by Fusions op
Eva Nie replied 10 Years ago.
1012657 -
Enlightenment: What It Is And How To Get It
Started by goran c backlund
John Wilde replied 10 Years ago.
2033156 -
How has your freedom held up over the years?
Started by Not Tao
Not Tao replied 10 Years ago.
29462 -
So what's the consensus on the "Actual Freedom" Guys?
Started by IAMTHAT That Ami
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 10 Years ago.
6827145 -
Why not be Born Enlightened from the Get-Go?
Started by IAMTHAT That Ami
IAMTHAT That Ami replied 10 Years ago.
3115095 -
need advice on how to hide insight progress.
Started by Hermetically Sealed
Change A. replied 11 Years ago.
8939865 -
Actual Freedom, insight and concentration meditation
Started by Pe Soza
Pe Soza replied 11 Years ago.
4223414 -
I wrote some piano music today!
Started by Mind over easy
Jane Laurel Carrington replied 11 Years ago.
149930 -
PCE Dabbling Log
Started by Mind over easy
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 11 Years ago.
2910673 -
Existential solution to life possible ?
Started by Shashank Dixit
katy steger,thru11.6.15 with thanks replied 11 Years ago.
12544229 -
my thoughts on actual freedom and the dho
Started by tarin greco
Jacob Lawyer replied 11 Years ago.
195115934 -
AF while in dark night
Started by Jon T
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 11 Years ago.
3316834 -
Secong part of Tarin's talk at Cheeath house?
Started by do i know
Daniel M. Ingram replied 11 Years ago.
3521775 -
AF and Insight: PCE Mode and Cycling Mode
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Dannon F replied 11 Years ago.
12083548 -
Stopping to Smell the Roses: Preliminary Results
Started by Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke replied 11 Years ago.
57985 -
Wondering about PCEs, EEs, and non-dual experiences
Started by Fitter Stoke
Fitter Stoke replied 11 Years ago.
1412454 -
How ordinary happy people live
Started by This Good Self
Brother Pussycat replied 11 Years ago.
2917259 -
Interest? - Hurricane Ranch Transcript
Started by T. Dan S-
Fitter Stoke replied 11 Years ago.
2320467 -
Whats it like for an enlightened person to be in a romantic relationship?
Started by Brian K.
Dannon F replied 11 Years ago.
1444925 -
Calmly going forward- Andrew's practice notes
Started by Andrew .
Andrew . replied 12 Years ago.
9022833 -
Just feel them...
Started by It Really Does You
It Really Does You replied 12 Years ago.
956973 Answers -
A Suggestion...
Started by Tommy M
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem replied 12 Years ago.
6521206 -
Daniel Kahneman on intuition, memory and self
Started by Felipe C.
Andrew . replied 12 Years ago.
108771 -
Justine's Reflections On Actual Freedom
Started by D. Justine J
Change A. replied 12 Years ago.
8324294 -
Hands in my pockets - A practice thread
Started by Felipe C.
Felipe C. replied 12 Years ago.
4220050 -
Attentiveness to Sensuousness
Started by Stian Gudmundsen Høiland
Stian Gudmundsen Høiland replied 12 Years ago.
46853 -
Gary Weber stopped thinking, got smarter and sustainable
Started by Pål S.
An Eternal Now replied 12 Years ago.
79009 -
Showing 1 to 60 of 81 entries.