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Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 2 Days ago.
11115196 -
COVID Risk Reduction on Retreat Video
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Bahiya Baby replied 2 Days ago.
164093 -
How has Metta meditation changed you and impacted your life?
Started by Aeon .
Nick Green replied 19 Days ago.
209555 -
What is "Zen koan koan training at its best?"
Started by Alley Faint Wurds
terry replied 1 Month ago.
315011 -
How do views change experience?
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
2916626 -
And the award for best named spiritual book publisher goes to…
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago.
01677 -
Skepticism of supernatural claim of the Buddha
Started by Tony Norris
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 3 Months ago.
1311827 -
general question about TWIM (Bhante Vimalaramsi)
Started by Tom W
Pepe · replied 2 Months ago.
5815214 -
Trouble understanding Mahasi Sayadaw's instructions
Started by Henry Fellows Moss
Not two, not one replied 3 Months ago.
139740 -
insight practices concurrent with establishing concentration
Started by Tom W
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 4 Months ago.
287068 -
How does karma play a role in practice?
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
shargrol replied 4 Months ago.
1111318 -
Using Jhanas for Wordly Benefit
Started by P P
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 4 Months ago.
58715 -
Did anyone her get stream entry from "the headless way"
Started by finding-oneself ♤
Martin replied 4 Months ago.
439230 -
The Creation of Perception (awakening map) - Jhana, Emptiness, Phenomenal
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 4 Months ago.
25881 -
Propitiating Our AI Overlords.
Started by Jim Smith
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 4 Months ago.
156399 -
Where on the Stages of Insight am I?
Started by Mark Groeneveld
Pawel K replied 4 Months ago.
9133970 Answers -
For those seeking active discussion about Actualism...
Started by Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem
Martin replied 5 Months ago.
1418479 -
Insight about the experience of insights
Started by michael gross
terry replied 5 Months ago.
5416975 -
Why its not regularly mentioned to JUMP to Jhana-4
Started by finding-oneself ♤
Martin replied 2 Months ago.
2712055 -
looking for practice direction ideas suggestions
Started by Hew
Dream Walker replied 5 Months ago.
7144940 Answers -
Any advice on how to deal with rage is much appreciated
Started by Olav S
finding-oneself ♤ replied 5 Months ago.
912385 -
How Do I Turn Emotions into light fluffy clouds?
Started by finding-oneself ♤
finding-oneself ♤ replied 5 Months ago.
4612111 -
Seeking Advice - Spiritual Growth & Visual Perception Changes
Started by Nerol Nerol
Nihila replied 5 Months ago.
176048 -
I don't see a red dot while doing Fire Kasina
Started by Setzer Stormrage
Papa Che Dusko replied 6 Months ago.
107684 -
Papa Che Transcending Diapers
Started by Papa Che Dusko
Papa Che Dusko replied 22 Days ago.
12423079 -
Christopher Titmuss "controversy" ?
Started by Jano Pavuk
Bahiya Baby replied 6 Months ago.
11179831 Answer -
The phenomonology of a sociopath
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
finding-oneself ♤ replied 5 Months ago.
410606 -
"The Meditation Start-Up That’s Selling Bliss on Demand" - Atlantic Article
Started by J W
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 7 Months ago.
Showing 1 to 40 of 121 entries.