Recent Posts - Discussion
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Bahiya 3: Put these foolish ambitions to rest
Started by Bahiya Baby
shargrol replied 12 Hours ago.
784702 -
2nd to 3rd path - From seeing to knowing the dharma
Started by Bruno Loff
Jure K replied 4 Days ago.
181485 -
Stories About Meditation & Insight vs Psychology
Started by Chris M
Jure K replied 21 Days ago.
263115 -
Are there traditional terms for what Daniel says about Agencylessness.
Started by Jim Smith
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
91752 -
The Noble Quest: dharma, attainments, cults, sects, doctrines, dogmas
Started by Bahiya Baby
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 1 Month ago.
21824 -
The path and core wounds - A practice summary
Started by pixelcloud *
pixelcloud * replied 1 Month ago.
193162 -
Seeking teacher recommendation for 3rd => 4th path
Started by Frearless Style
Frearless Style replied 1 Month ago.
191959 -
COVID Risk Reduction on Retreat Video
Started by Daniel M. Ingram
Papa Che Dusko replied 1 Month ago.
478874 -
Knock Knock
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 2 Months ago.
62227 -
Distinguishing Dark Night from Depression
Started by Ben V.
Richard Zen replied 15 Days ago.
133277 -
Upcoming Delson Armstrong interview on Guru Viking
Started by pixelcloud *
Ian Duncan replied 2 Months ago.
619447 -
Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Started by Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate replied 2 Months ago.
19825493 -
What's your assessment of this experience?
Started by JDW 3621
JDW 3621 replied 3 Months ago.
156247 -
Stranger in a Dharma Forum
Started by Evangeline A K McDowell
Chris M replied 4 Months ago.
176794Locked -
How likely are these harmful uses of magick?
Started by Andrew S
Chris M replied 6 Months ago.
1710147Locked -
Have I uncovered a previously unwritten form of insight meditation?
Started by Alley Faint Wurds
Alley Faint Wurds replied 5 Months ago.
5213115 -
Documenting and Defining Emergent Phenomenology: Paper Out!
Started by Olivier S
Chris M replied 7 Months ago.
16587 -
Searching for a non-dogmatic, high-quality one-week retreat in Europe
Started by iarbaverde _ _
iarbaverde _ _ replied 7 Months ago.
911080 -
Meditation Induced Psychosis On Retreat -- Please Advise
Started by Matt
Eudoxos . replied 5 Months ago.
2516380 -
Interesting paper on different approaches to jhana
Started by Conal
Wesley McKee replied 7 Months ago.
310659 -
New research study on coping with extended difficulties post psychedelics
Olivier S, modified 8 Months ago.
014677 -
Did anyone her get stream entry from "the headless way"
Started by finding-oneself ♤
Martin V replied 8 Months ago.
4314430 -
RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it
Started by Olivier S
Olivier S replied 8 Months ago.
17897Locked -
RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it
Started by Olivier S
Olivier S replied 8 Months ago.
17876Locked -
RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it
Started by Pawel K
Pawel K replied 8 Months ago.